Lilita Ozoliņa Diva We Will Meet in the Metro Anna Applause, Applause... Kara ceļa mantinieki Lake Sonata Checkmate to the Queen of Diamonds The Zitars Ceļa zīmes Olegs and Aina In a Claws of a Black Cancer Anna Firling's Roads Double Trap Maija and Paija The Hero The Chronicles of Melanie Him, Her, and the Kids Peterss Bille Stari stiklā The Cat's Mill Tsoi The Private Life of Santa Claus A Birdless Night The Double Eva Uzbērums Klavs - The Son of Martin Dunduriņš Cīrulīši Short Tutorial on Loving Fronte tēva pagalmā Oma When Rain and Wind Hit Against Your Window Zītaru dzimta Divorce Formula Long Road in the Dunes