Eugen Doga Jamila Sinful Apostles of Love Seventh Heaven Beginning of the Path Spawn of Hell Looking for a Guard Третий в пятом ряду Bless the Woman Mercedes Runs Away from the Chase Bed of Procust Valentin and Valentina Maria and Mirabella in Transistorland Attention, Witches! Spring Olympics or the Head of the Choir Maestro With Thread Brother, Find Brother! Fiddlers This Fantastic World 7 This Fantastic World 4 This Fantastic World 2 This Fantastic World 6 This Fantastic World 5 This Fantastic World 14 This Fantastic World 1 This Fantastic World 3 What Senka Said Don't Believe the Cry of a Night Bird At the Dawn of Our Youthful Years The Black Veil The Distant Voice of the Cuckoo The Gypsy Camp Vanishes Into the Blue Martisor the Fest of Spring Children, Sun and Snow Stop the Train! Secret LSU Petrica the Braggart Moorings Siwa legenda Andriesh Ivan Marchuk: "The voice of my soul" Restless Sweet friend of long forgotten years Maria, Mirabella A Boulevard Romance Goldfish in city N Co-op Politburo, or Will be a Long Farewell Knock on the Door Portrait of the Artist's Wife 1000 Dollars One Way Anna Pavlova My Tender and Affectionate Beast The Actress Home for Serafim The White Rose That Could Turn Red The Legend of the Brave Fat-Frumos Ten Winters in One Summer A Delayed-Action Explosion Duration of the Day Kites Don't Share Their Prey Temptation Root of Life Notches For Memory Find A Horseshoe For Luck Am I Guilty?.. Guguta the Postman Whore The Steepness Red Sun Без обмана Без обмана Без обмана Без обмана