Yuriy Butyrin По дороге с облаками The Winter's Tale Если бы я был моим папой It Can't Be Tryam! Which means Hello! Big Ear A gift for the Elephant What's Well And What's Bad A Wonderful Barrel Autumn Ships Passion of Spies The Pioneer's Violin Ну, погоди! Телевыпуск 1 The Window Firefly and Dewdrop On Your Mark! He Descended Only Once How the Old Man Went for the Rain Junior and Karlson Хочу бодаться! Blue Puppy Pif-paf, oy-oy-oy! Treasure Nekhochukha About the Hippopotamus Who Was Afraid of Inoculations На заре во дворе Milovitsa Сказка о весёлом клоуне Khalif the Stork Наследство волшебника Бахрама Tails The Shareholders One, Two, Altogether! The Bench Old Precepts Tari the Bird Firefly and Dewdrop Котёнок Филя и… What's Well And What's Bad Песня о дружбе