Poussi Marzouka First Year of Love Al-Nasabin The Rooftop Big Guys' Game Alziyarat al akhira Public Notice Bab alnasr The Giants Rawheya Has Been Kidnapped The Master Knows Best الأوغاد Where Were You, Ali? Driven from Paradise Al Sokkareya The Path of Evil The Man I Love ليالي لن تعود The Lovers Banat Haretna Struggle of days Verdict at hearing's end فتوة الجبل The Bullies of Boulak Nehayet Ragol Tazawag El Gentel Haqad aimra'a The Long Nights The Five Swindlers The Last Respectful Man Cat on Fire A Distress Call From The Other World Thug of the Poor It's Better Without Marriage The Time of Hatem Zahran My Love... Always Laenet Al Zaman Nessa Khalf Al Qodban Zizo, My Beloved Uncle Naassaf Lehaza Al Khataa Girls' Secrets Arees El-Hana The Victims Angels do not inhabit earth Harbour Beasts Intabiho Ayoha Al-Azwag Roots in the Air The Student A Bachelor’s Life Wolves Pincer The Thin Thread The Piper Hello, I'm the Cat Revenge Game العاشقة Execution Of A Dead Man A wife from Paris Legs In Mud Professionals Julio & Romiet Al Ahtal Balagh didi aimra'a House of Sand Oh, How Generous You Are, Lord Youth in a Storm The Devil Sings Karawana دقة زار Operation No. 42 Lokanda Alfardos License to Kill Antar's Daughter Bit of Fear Bahr Al Awham نقطة نظام Qasr Al-Oshaq عفوا حبيبتي Love Case أيام المنيرة ضد التيار The Second Meeting Aunt Safiya & the Monastery Princess Beesa Family Register Alqahera Walnas ألف ليلة وليلة: ذات الخال ألف ليلة وليلة: ذات المال