Danuta Stolyarskaya We Love You Autumn, Chertanovo... Blokada: Pulkovskiy meredian Walking the Streets of Moscow Murder Complicity Garden of Scorpions Lot The End of the Emperor of the Taiga Early in the Morning Everything for You Forgive Me, Alyosha Dune The Return of Vasili Bortnikov The Mystery of the Eternal Night Нам здесь жить Friends - Comrades Attack and Retreat The Siege: Leningrad Metronome The Siege: Operation "Iskra" Nadezhda The Property of Republic Tears Were Falling Land, Poste Restante When the Trees Were Tall Случай с ефрейтором Кочетковым Thunderstorm Over the Fields Happiness Must Be Protected Светлая речка Вздвиженка Big "Wick" Little Man in a Big War The City Is Accepted Roads of Fire