Tetsuya Kobayashi Tenshi ga boku ni koi o shita Hakui no imôto: Mubôbi na o-shiri The Faceless Dead Travail Avec mon Mari Kichijoji-Muei End of the Journey Kanjiru wakazuma no amai mitsu An Affair Tôsatsu family: Oyako nama chûkei Hitozuma ero dôchû: ageshiku nosete Chikan densha: yume yubi no atsui shirabe Onna kankoshi: Yasuragi no binyû Nineteen Body Drop Asphalt Yankee High School Girl 6- Hachioji's Strongest Legend Confessions Among Actresses Tenshi ga boku ni koi o shita Love Your Neighbor The Quiet Don: A New Chapter Utsushimi My Rosy Life, His Rosy Passion Woman W is a Sweet Fairy Trap Mofukuzuma: Shitchi no Kaori