Bud Spencer All the Way Boys Miami Supercops The Sheriff and the Satellite Kid They Called Him Bulldozer Flatfoot in Egypt Why Did You Pick On Me? The Knock Out Cop Flatfoot in Hong Kong Flatfoot in Africa Banana Joe Who Finds a Friend Finds a Treasure Odds and Evens The Two Missionaries Crime Busters Speaking of the Devil Even Angels Eat Beans Thieves and Robbers Bomber Go for It Watch Out, We're Mad Soldier of Fortune Trinity Is Still My Name Ace High Double Trouble Boot Hill I'm for the Hippopotamus Troublemakers Aladdin They Call Me Trinity Beyond the Law God Forgives... I Don't! A Reason to Live, a Reason to Die Vier Fäuste lassen's krachen Killing Is My Business, Honey The 5-Man Army Hijos del viento Buddy Goes West Charleston Black Turin It Can Be Done Amigo Father Hope Today We Kill, Tomorrow We Die! To the Limit A Farewell to Arms Blackie the Pirate Singing Behind Screens The 5th Day of Peace A Hero of Our Times Der Fall der vier Fliegen Lui era Trinità Django, Sartana, Trinita' et les autres… Bud's Best - Die Welt des Bud Spencer Il cocco di mamma Quo Vadis Three Forever We Are Cinema Human Torpedoes Das Bud Spencer Spezial Hannibal They Called Him Spencer Pane e Olio Quel fantasma di mio marito Fireworks Denn sie kennen kein Erbarmen - Der Italowestern Thus Spoke De Crescenzo Kino kolossal - Herkules, Maciste & Co Piedone nyomában L'ultimo gattopardo - Ritratto di Goffredo Lombardo Bud Spencer zu Gast im Ramada Hotel in Berlin Four Flies on Grey Velvet Dragonland: L'Urlo di Chen terrorizza ancora l'occidente Le 1000 vite di Bud Spencer Banana Joe Okay Telespiele Nachtshow I delitti del cuoco We Are Angels Am laufenden Band Stars in the Ring Wetten, dass..? Detective Extralarge Ciao Darwin Gottschalk Live Chi ha incastrato Peter Pan? Auf los geht's los BAMBI Awards Big Man Auf los geht's los The Johannes B. Kerner Show Markus Lanz Menschen der Woche Champs-Elysées Markus Lanz NDR Talk Show 3 nach 9 NDR Kultur – Das Journal Aktuelle Schaubude Riverboat Titel, Thesen, Temperamente The Grand Prize Hamburg Journal What Am I? Das aktuelle Sportstudio Brisant Sacrée soirée Sacrée soirée Sacrée soirée Sacrée soirée