Du Zhiguo Southern Mao and Northern Ma The Growed Up Boys The EOD Squad Ban Drugs The Night Robbery My Dad is an Alien The Dead End Westbound Convict Train The Sino-Dutch War 1661 The Morning After The Bravest 七七事变 一场风花雪月的事 蜕变 天下粮仓 绝对控制 黄金血道 沸腾的群山 Dandelion 贞观长歌 雪鹰 卧底警花 The Legend of Yong Le Emperor 秋香情戏唐伯虎 地火 区小队 激战江南 Cang Hai Sui Tang Heroes Deng Xiaoping at History's Crossroads 独立纵队 Ming Dynasty War Flowers 我是特种兵之惊雷行动 和平使命 五星红旗迎风飘扬2 The Legend and the Hero Wipe Out The Bandits of Wulong Mountain Crimson River Black Lighthouse A Deadly Secret 我叫刘传说 The Six Dollars and Sixty Six Cents 惊天大劫案 天阵 李卫当官2 江湖兄弟 Li Wei the Magistrate 走西口 The Mask 夜奔 Drug Case On Mekong River 13 一生为奴 我的抗战 A Sharp Blade 大河英雄传 战士 Yongzheng Dynasty 大龙脉 Antique Bureau Midgame Burning 突出重围 天网行踪 Dongzhou lieguo: Zhanguo pian 烈火红岩 烈火红岩 烈火红岩 烈火红岩