Ahmed El Sobky Rida's Clock Foreign Knot Because We're Going Out A Mob of Women The Bulbul's Nest Deedo Mr. Ex Deedo Brooks, Meadows and Lovely Faces Amohom Qarmat in Trouble Born to a Man Soulmate High School Girls Zombie Ala Gamby The Court The Wedding Qamar 14 Freezer's Campaign The Eid Night Saber & Rady You're My Only Lover Rida's Clock Mohamed Hussein The Diesel Bekia Foreign Knot Ali Baba Mama's Boy Alarmoty in the Land of Fire It's Okay, Buddy It's Fine Abdu Mouta El Haram Street Lembi 8 Giga Three-Quarters Decent Chivalrous Boys In Your Dreams Does Anyone Hear Anything An Hour and a Half Adam's Village Swimming Boltia Detention Letter Khair And Baraka May It Prosper 30 Days of Luxury Abu Shanab Because We're Going Out The Night of the Carnival Boshkash شعبان الفارس Cabareeh Let's Get Singing! Inner City Story Okal I Love You, Me Too The Lady's Driver The Third Man My Life Is a Mess A Mob of Women Gun Racking Professional Guys World War III Martial Marriage Best Neighbors My Mother-In-Law Loves Me Salem: His Sister's Father Omar and Salwa The Thief and the Fool Tattah The Bulbul's Nest Lion Heart My Guide Dog Ms. Mammy Shaqow I am For my Lover Mr. Ex A Break of Happy Moments the Atheist Ba3d El Shar Taha Al-Ghareeb Rocky of the poor Amohom 2 - A cool look Hassan and Boklos The story of the remaining days Al-Safa Secondary School for Girls Sandwich Kids Lover Saheb El Maqam Shaqow 2: Shabinch Marrakesh A Few Hours in One Day