Marko Todorović Toma The Salonika Terrorists Hey Babu Riba Foolish Years The Time Has Come for Love to Try Kiss, Kiss, But Don't Lose Your Head Like Grandpa, Like Grandson Come to Me and Go from Me What Happens When Love Comes to Town Zika's Dynasty Second Žika's Dynasty Weird Years Žika's Marriage The Oppenheimer Case Bury the Dead Murder Commited in a Sly and Cruel Manner and from Low Motives The Restless Ones The Man Who Bombed Belgrade Sasha Tit for Tat The Sun Is Far Away The Theatre Connection Under the Same Sky The Great Tour Burning The Pals The Republic of Užice Operation Belgrade Berlin kaputt The Battle of Kolubara A Suspicious Character The Reichstag Fire The Last Ones The Magnificent Cuckold The Written Off Svetozar Markovic The Mission of Major Atherton 67 Days: The Republic of Uzhitze