Fyodor Khitruk The Spirit of Genius - Fedor Khitruk and His Films Searching for the Lost Pochta Animated Soviet Propaganda Miracle Factory. Animation Director Magia Russica One Day Before Our Era Winnie-the-Pooh Winnie-the-Pooh and a Busy Day Winnie-the-Pooh Goes Visiting Masters of Russian Animation - Volume 3 Othello-67 Othello-67 Olympians Olympians About the Girl Who Found Her Bear About Me Island Ikar and Sages The Tale of the Tsarevich and the Three Healers The Cow Fyodor the Hunter Bear Cub The Flower with Seven Colours The Magic Carpet Little Gray Neck The Miraculous Bell Ambulance The Lion and the Hare Geese-Swans Fox the Builder The Robust When Christmas Trees Light Up The Magic Treasure The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights The Night Before Christmas Forest Travellers The High Hill Sarmiko Kashtanka Validoob - Fell Oak The Scarlet Flower Flight to the Moon The Crow and the Fox, the Cuckoo and the Rooster Magic Store The Frog Princess An Arrow Flies Into a Fairy Tale The Orange Neck A Dangerous Prank Dog and Cat What Kind of Bird Is This? A Brave Hare The Snow Postman An Unusual Match The Enchanted Boy Old Friends The Snow Queen Again, Deuce Familiar Pictures Once Upon a Time The Secret of the Far Away Island Petia and Little Red Riding Hood At Exactly Three Fifteen ... The Adventures of Buratino Different Wheels A Sober Sparrow Murzilka on the Satellite Family Chronicle The Key Big Troubles The Love of Mankind Riding on a Broomstick It Was I Who Drew the Little Man Balance of Fear Granny's Goat The Tale of Chapayev The Boy from Napoli Adventures of Murzilka Girl in the Jungle A Pipe and a Bear Stepan the Sailor On the Forest Stage A Goat-Musician A Naughty Kitten Friends-Comrades The Tale of the Fisherman and the Goldfish A Cuckoo and a Blackbird Favourite Characters Ivashko and Baba-Yaga Tale of the Good Umar Balance of Fear Little Hippo The Cat in the Cap Kuth and Mice Wolfy Attraction Neighbours Zigzag of Success Escape of Mr. McKinley The Love of Mankind Film, Film, Film Man in the Frame Story of One Crime I Give you a Star Ikar and Sages One Day Before Our Era One Day Before Our Era Boniface's Holiday Little Stomper Lion and Bull Lion and Bull A Hazel Tree Twig Boniface's Holiday Island Island Film, Film, Film I Give you a Star Three Novels Balance of Fear Winnie-the-Pooh Winnie-the-Pooh Goes Visiting The Friends from Taiga Lafertovskaya Makovnitsa Little Stomper Winnie-the-Pooh and a Busy Day The Twelve Months Man in the Frame A Young Man Named Engels – A Portrait in Letters A Young Man Named Engels – A Portrait in Letters Masters of Russian Animation - Volume 1 Masters of Russian Animation - Volume 1 Masters of Russian Animation - Volume 2 Masters of Russian Animation - Volume 2 Brave Pak The Cat's House Uncle Stepa O Sport, You Are Peace! The Hunting Rifle Soon There Will Be Rain