Aleksandra Denisova The Royal Hares Come Tomorrow... Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears Little Friend Происшествие The Wind The Old Jockey Юрка, бесштанная команда The Elusive Revengers Strange People Liberated Earth The Lesson of Life Kysh and TwoBriefcases Rasplyuev's Days of Fun Nylon 100% Quiet Flows the Don Come Back to Baikal Rodnye polya Obelisk Knock on Any Door The Quarrel in Lukashi Строгая женщина The Miraculous Bell A Shot in the Fog The Parasite Жизнь на грешной земле On the Other Side The Train Goes East Other People's Relatives Любовь Серафима Фролова A Leap Year A Weary Road Actress Муму My Dream Southern Cross is Above Us Главный свидетель Stubborn Dough Geese-Swans