Toshiaki Nakazawa Strange Circus Gemini Vexille The Bird People in China Perfect Education: étude Space Battleship Yamato Space Battleship Yamato The Chasing World Young Thugs: Innocent Blood Tiger Mask Andromedia Japan Sinks Ken and Mary: The Asian Truck Express Hiruko the Goblin Nana Perfect Education 6 I Am Makimoto Yearning Yakuza Demon Over Your Dead Body Kaisha monogatari: Memories of You Phantom of the Toilet Mifune: The Last Samurai Yamagata Scream Zatoichi: The Last Azumi 2: Death or Love Departures Hara-Kiri: Death of a Samurai Perfect Education 4: Secret Basement Young Thugs: Nostalgia Nakibokuro 13 Assassins Sukiyaki Western Django Azumi Harimao Samurai Marathon My Life Changed When I Went to a Sex Parlor