Vladimir Degtyarev Beloved Beauty Little Timo's Christmas Tree The Snow Maiden Train From Romashkovo Lapland Fairy Tales The Baby-Goat, Who Counted up to Ten The Baby-Goat, Who Counted up to Ten The Ugly Duckling Who Said Meow? Who is the Strongest? Magic Lanterns The Tale of the Old Cedar Sun Seed The End of the Black Swamp We Are Following the Sun Stubborn Dough Who Is Going to the Exhibition? Sweet Fairy Tale Dobrynya Nikitich Brave Pak How to Become a Grown-Up Friends-Comrades Miraculous Well How the Donkey Sought Happiness Two Greedy Bear Cubs Beloved Beauty The Tale of the Snow Maiden Miraculous Well New Year Tale New Year Tale The Pipe and the Pitcher The Heart of the Brave Вернулся служивый домой The Tale of the Snow Maiden Cherished Dream Upside Down The Tale of the Old Cedar Cuckoo Clock Two Greedy Bear Cubs Visiting the Gnomes Too Salty Stubborn Dough Who is the Strongest? Spring Tale Mister Wolf Greedy Kuzma