Ryota Sato gets the surprise of his life when he's suddenly transported into another world and nearly clobbered at the hands of the young, pretty adventurer Emily Brown. This new world revolves around defeating monsters and profiting on whatever they drop—food, money, items, etc. Unfortunately for Ryota, he has no skills to speak of...until he learns he has the ability to get rare drops! Suddenly his luck turns around...or does it?
Title | My Unique Skill Makes Me OP Even at Level 1 |
Year | 2023 |
Genre | Animation, Comedy, Action & Adventure, Sci-Fi & Fantasy |
Country | Japan |
Studio | Tokyo MX, BS4 |
Cast | Kaito Ishikawa, Rin Kusumi, Marika Kouno, Saori Onishi, Kanon Takao, Mai Fuchigami |
Crew | Yuuji Yanase (Series Director), Yuka Yamada (Series Composition), Miyako Nishida (Character Designer), Eri Kojima (Character Designer), Kaho Deguchi (Character Designer), Yuuko Ohba (Character Designer) |
Alternative Titles | 虽然1级但固有技能却是最强的, Level 1 dakedo Unique Skill de Saikyō desu, Level 1 dakedo Unique Skill de Saikyou desu, С особым навыком я имба даже на первом уровне, Хотя я только первого уровня, но с этим уникальным навыком я стану сильнейшим, Level 1 dakedo, Người Mạnh Nhất Level 1, Mặc Dù Chỉ Cấp Độ 1 Nhưng Vì Có Kỹ Năng Độc Nhất Nên Tôi Là Người Mạnh Nhất |
Keyword | magic, reincarnation, supernatural, harem, romance, slice of life, super power, voyage, anime, other world |
First Air Date | Jul 08, 2023 |
Last Air date | Sep 23, 2023 |
Season | 1 Season |
Episode | 12 Episode |
Runtime | 23:14 minutes |
Quality | HD |
IMDb: | 7.09/ 10 by 32.00 users |
Popularity | 22.31 |
Language | Japanese |