Twelve Monkeys

Twelve Monkeys 1995


En la jaro 2035, kondamnito James Cole kontraŭvole volontulas por esti sendita reen en la tempo por malkovri la originon de mortiga viruso kiu ekstermis preskaŭ la tutan populacion de la tero kaj devigis la pluvivantojn en subterajn komunumojn. Sed kiam Cole estas erare sendita al 1990 anstataŭe de 1996, li estas arestita kaj enfermita en mensa malsanulejo. Tie li renkontas psikiatron doktoron Kathryn Railly, kaj paciencan Jeffrey Goines, la filon de fama viruseksperto, kiu povas teni la ŝlosilon de la mistera fripona grupo, la Armeo de la 12 Simioj, supozeble respondeca por deĉenigi la murdan malsanon.



#BringBackAlice 2023


After missing social media influencer Alicja Stec returns with no memory of the past year, the drug-dealing brother of another missing teen sets out to prove the cases are connected… and unravel the truth behind his sister’s disappearance.


Kevin Hart: Don't F**k This Up

Kevin Hart: Don't F**k This Up 2019


Amid turmoil in his career and marriage, comedian and film star Kevin Hart opens up about his personal breakthroughs as he navigates crises and fame.


The ABC Of

The ABC Of 2022


The ABC Of, a interview series, revisits the pasts of prominent Australians through moments drawn from the vast ABC archives.


Gone for Good

Gone for Good 2021


Ten years ago, he lost two loved ones. When his fiancée disappears, he must uncover buried secrets — or lose everything. Based on Harlan Coben's novel.


The Time It Takes

The Time It Takes 2021


Lina and Nico break up after many years together, and Lina struggles to find a new life and to think about him a little less each day.


Reeling in the Years

Reeling in the Years 1999


Each episode looks back at the news and events of a particular year, using news archive footage, along with subtitles as the means of narration, to recount notable Irish and international events of the time.


24 Hours in the Past

24 Hours in the Past 2015


Living history show presented by Fi Glover. Six celebrities travel back in time to the relentless graft of Victorian Britain.



Afro-Canada 2022


Afro Canada is a documentary series that traces 400 years of Afro-descendant presence in Canada. This docuseries, rich in historical and social significance, will leave a lasting impact. By re-appropriating various narrative techniques, Afro Canada pays tribute to the collective memory of Afro-Canadians, whose history is marked by slavery, forced displacement of their bodies and families, and, above all, their resilience — an essential resilience for ensuring that future generations can live freely.