Zathura: Una aventura espacial

Zathura: Una aventura espacial 2005


Cuando su padre se va a trabajar y quedan al cuidado de su hermana mayor, Danny, de seis años, y Walter, de diez, o riñen o se aburren soberanamente. Durante una pelea, Danny se esconde en un pequeño montacargas, y Walter lo hace bajar hasta el oscuro y temido sótano. Allí descubre el antiguo tablero de metal de un juego de mesa llamado “Zathura”; después de intentar, sin éxito, que su hermano juegue con él, Danny empieza a jugar solo. Desde la primera jugada, Danny se da cuenta de que no es un juego de mesa normal. La ficha de la nave espacial se mueve sola y, cuando aterriza en un espacio, expulsa una tarjeta que dice: “Lluvia de meteoritos, adopta tácticas evasivas”; inmediatamente, sobre la casa, empiezan a caer meteoritos fundidos y calientes. Cuando Danny y Walter miran a través del gran agujero abierto en el techo, descubren con horror que han sido lanzados al espacio sideral.


El juego de la sospecha

El juego de la sospecha 1985


En una gran y apartada mansión victoriana se reúnen varios personajes pintorescos para cenar ante una misteriosa invitación de un anfitrión desconocido. Todos ellos tienen secretos que ocultar, por los que son vilmente chantajeados desde hace años. Cuando la casa se queda a oscuras por culpa de un momentáneo apagón de luz, el chantajista aparece asesinado en el salón. Ahora deben averiguar quién de ellos ha sido el culpable, una tarea muy complicada teniendo en cuenta que todos ellos tenían motivos de peso para cometer el crimen.


Los hombres lobo

Los hombres lobo 2024


Cuando un juego de cartas cobra vida, una familia viaja en el tiempo hasta una aldea medieval, donde debe desenmascarar a los hombres lobo para poder volver a casa.



Jumanji 1995


Alan Parris queda atrapado en un juego de mesa mágico y muy antiguo, Jumanji, durante 25 años. Cuando finalmente es liberado por dos niños, una manada de animales exóticos también es liberada. Alan deberá salvar a su pueblo de la destrucción.


Sin-ui Hansu (The Divine Move)

Sin-ui Hansu (The Divine Move) 2014


La vida de Tae Seok como un jugador profesional de Baduk ("Go") desciende. Él es eventualmente acusado del asesinato de su propio hermano. Sin embargo Tae Seok jura vengarse.


Beyond the gates

Beyond the gates 2016


Dos hermanos se reúnen tras la desaparición de su progenitor para poner orden en el negocio familiar, una tienda de VHS especializada en cine de terror. Entre los vestigios de la era analógica encuentran un juego interactivo que tiene una presentadora con el rostro de Barbara Crampton (que también ejerce de productora) y que parece tener alguna relación con lo sucedido a su padre.


... Y muere porque te toca

... Y muere porque te toca 2022


Comedia detectivesca llena de acertijos; colorista, retro y anacrónica en su puesta en escena que recuerda al cine de Wes Anderson y pone en el centro de la trama a Jeanne, una brillante arquitecta que se encarga de la renovación de una magnífica mansión. Cuando César, el patriarca, es asesinado, Jeanne comienza un juego a tamaño natural dentro de la mansión para desenmascarar al asesino.Como si del Cluedo se tratase, sus protagonistas son jugadores, víctimas y verdugos, son todos culpables o solo lo es uno de ellos. "Y muere porque te toca" contiene numerosas referencias a los juegos de escape o al Trivial.


El inventor de juegos

El inventor de juegos 2014


Cuando el pequeño Iván Dragó resulta ganador de un concurso iniciará una aventura como nunca antes lo imaginó. Desde entonces, quedarán muchos misterios por resolver que sólo podrán ser develados detrás de las murallas de la Compañía de Juegos Profundos, donde el maléfico Morodian llevará a Iván a vivir una de las aventuras más desafiantes de su vida: convertirse en un verdadero inventor de juegos.



Joshy 2016


Tras la repentina ruptura de su compromiso, Joshy y unos amigos deciden aprovechar la que iba a ser su despedida de soltero en Ojai, California, para intentar ayudar a Joshy a superar lo ocurrido. Los chicos convierten la escapada en un fin de semana escandaloso lleno de drogas, alcohol, desenfreno y jacuzzis.


Tumbas abiertas

Tumbas abiertas 2009


En España, el surfista Americano Jason y sus amigos van de shopping y compran un misterioso juego de mesa llamado Mamba, que oculta una terrible maldición: todo el que pierde, debe morir.



Quinteto 1979


En un mundo futuro, la Tierra sufre una nueva glaciación. La humanidad ha sido diezmada, y los pocos que han sobrevivido ocupan su tiempo en un juego llamado "quinteto". Para un pequeño grupo de ellos, además, el juego es un asunto de vida o muerte.


Game of Death

Game of Death 2017


Siete amigos deciden probar el Juego de la Muerte, descubriendo que el titulo es literal y que ahora estarán condenados a asesinar indiscriminadamente, en caso contrario, sus cabezas explotarán.


Deadly Games

Deadly Games 1982


Una ciudad está siendo aterrorizada por un asesino disfrazado de Santa Claus que se está dedicando a matar mujeres. Una joven es atacada por él, pero se escapa. Ella sospecha quién puede ser el asesino y se inicia una investigación para darle caza.


Game Over: Kasparov and the Machine

Game Over: Kasparov and the Machine 2003


En mayo de 1997, Garry Kaspárov, considerado el mejor jugador de todos los tiempos, jugó un match contra Deep Blue, una supercomputadora programada por científicos de IBM con el único propósito de jugar el más alto nivel de ajedrez.


La historia secreta del Monopoly

La historia secreta del Monopoly 2023


El juego de mesa conocido como Monopoly se remonta a los inicios del siglo XX, cuando Elizabeth Magie creó un prototipo del juego. Posteriormente, en 1935, Charles Darrow, quien se desempeñaba como vendedor de calefactores para hogares, patentó su propia versión del juego bajo el nombre de Monopoly. A pesar de que la compañía Parker Brothers, que poseía los derechos del juego, había atribuido la autoría únicamente a Darrow, después de varios años de disputas legales, finalmente se reconoció a Elizabeth Magie como la creadora original del juego.


Brain Games

Brain Games 2011


Get ready to have your mind messed with! "Brain Games" is a groundbreaking series that uses interactive experiments, misdirection and tricks to demonstrate how our brains create the illusion of seamless reality through our memory, through our sensory perception, and how we focus our attention.


Hikaru no Go

Hikaru no Go 2001


Hikaru Shindō is just a normal 12-year-old boy, but one day he's rummaging through his grandfather's things to see if he can find something to sell and pulls out an old go board. A ghostly apparition appears out of the board and tells Hikaru his sad story. His name is Fujiwara no Sai, a man who was a go instructor to the emperor of Japan a thousand years ago. However, because of the bad sportsmanship of his opponent during a game, Sai was accused of cheating and banished from the city. With no livelihood or any other reason to live, Sai committed suicide by drowning himself. Now, he haunts a go board, and wants to accomplish the perfect go game, called the "Hand of God" which he hopes to do through Hikaru. If Hikaru will be able to do it or not (or even wants to) will have to be seen.


Family Game Night

Family Game Night 2010


Family Game Night is a television series based on Hasbro's family of board games and EA's video game franchise of the same name. The show is hosted by Todd Newton. Burton Richardson announced for the first two seasons, until he was replaced by Stacey J. Aswad for the third season, and then Andrew Kishino beginning in the fourth season. The 60-minute program debuted on October 10, 2010 on the new channel, The Hub, formerly Discovery Kids; it was previewed on October 9, 2010 on its sister channel, TLC. Each season will contain 30 episodes. Season two premiered on Friday, September 2, 2011, and new games were added. The games added to the second season included Cranium Brain Breaks, Green Scream, Ratuki Go-Round, Simon Flash, Operation Sam Dunk, Trouble Pop Quiz, and Spelling Bee. On June 19, 2012 Family Game Night was renewed for a third season by The Hub, which premiered on September 23, 2012.


The Ryuo's Work is Never Done!

The Ryuo's Work is Never Done! 2018


The story is about a teenage boy who happens to be a shougi master. One day, a nine-year-old girl turns up at his house, requesting to be taken as his disciple. From there, all kinds of wacky hijinks ensue.


Hikaru no Go

Hikaru no Go 2020


The drama tells the story of Shi Guang who discovered an ancient go board by coincidence and thus got to know Chu Ying, a go player who has been entrenched in the go board as a "soul" and who has experienced thousands of years. Under his influence, he gradually confronted the story of interest in go and inspiring to become a professional go player.


Bro&Marble in Dubai

Bro&Marble in Dubai 2023


Top celebrities travel to Dubai and engage in real 'Blue Marble' with unexpected challenges!



Monopoly 1990


Monopoly is an American television game show based on the board game of the same name. It aired on ABC from June 16 to September 1, 1990. Mike Reilly hosted while Charlie O'Donnell announced. Merv Griffin created the series and was executive producer. It was paired with Super Jeopardy! for its 12-week run on ABC.


Trivial Pursuit

Trivial Pursuit 2024


The beloved trivia game Trivial Pursuit is reimagined in a question-packed entertainment format. Gameplay takes place on a giant version of the iconic Trivial Pursuit game board, as contestants battle it out over a range of play-along question categories to win wedges and beat each other to the center. The victor then takes on a dramatic finale against the clock to claim the big money jackpot.


Reality Gamemasters

Reality Gamemasters 2013


Featuring six reality stars as you've never seen them before - playing the board game "Risk".


Sehati Semati

Sehati Semati 2024


Five friends who are trapped in an ancient board game called SURRA without knowing the origins and rules of the game. They are trapped in a parallel world and face life-threatening terror. In order to uncover the mystery of the game, they try to find previous players.



Scrabble 1984


Scrabble is an American television game show that was based on the Scrabble board game. The show was co-produced by Exposure Unlimited and Reg Grundy Productions. It ran from July 2, 1984 to March 23, 1990, and again from January 18 to June 11, 1993, both runs on NBC. A total of 1,335 episodes were produced from both editions; Chuck Woolery hosted both versions of the series. Jay Stewart was the announcer for the first year and was replaced by Charlie Tuna in the summer of 1985, who announced for the remainder of the original version and the entirety of the 1993 revival.


Games Britannia

Games Britannia 2009


Historian Benjamin Woolley unravels the cultural and social significance of popular games in Britain from the Iron Age to the Information Age.


Xiangqi Master

Xiangqi Master 2007


Features preteens involved in the competition and challenges in the world of Chinese chess.



Scattergories 1993


Scattergories is an American game show on NBC daytime hosted by Dick Clark, with Charlie Tuna as announcer, that aired from January 18 to June 11, 1993. The show was produced by Reg Grundy Productions, now a part of FremantleMedia, and was the second to last American game show to be produced by the company.



Pictionary 1989


Pictionary is a children's game show based on the board game of the same name, in which two teams of three children competed in a drawing game for prizes. This version was hosted by Brian Robbins, and aired in between June and September of 1989 with 65 episodes. The show was distributed by MCA TV and was a production of Barry & Enright Productions. The score was kept by "Felicity", who turned a knob to pour plastic beads into a container until they reached the amount of the team's score. Felicity inexplicably left the show for several weeks during the middle of the run, during which time the score was kept by Robbins. Rules explanations and close calls were handled by a bald, mustachioed judge nicknamed "Judge Mental" who sat in a mock-up judge's bench atop the scoring device, and would always be booed by the audience upon his introduction.



Yahtzee 1988


Yahtzee is a game show that aired from January 11 to September 1988. Based on the dice game Yahtzee, the show was hosted by Peter Marshall, with Larry Hovis serving as both the show's announcer and a regular panelist. Each week featured a different hostess serving as "dice girl", including Kelly Grant, Denise DiRenzo, and Teresa Ganzel. Yahtzee was originally taped at Trump's Castle in Atlantic City, New Jersey, though later it moved to Showboat Hotel & Casino.


Trivial Pursuit

Trivial Pursuit 1993


Trivial Pursuit is an American game show that ran on The Family Channel from June 7, 1993 to December 30, 1994, with reruns continuing until July 21, 1995. Loosely based on the board game of the same name, it was hosted by Wink Martindale with Randy West announcing.


Trivial Pursuit

Trivial Pursuit 1990


Trivial Pursuit was a game show loosely based on the board game of the same name. The show first aired on BBC1 from 4 September to 18 December 1990 hosted by Rory McGrath.


The Game of Life

The Game of Life 1970


The Game of Life is one of the original game shows on the American cable network The Hub. The program, hosted by comedian Frank Nicotero, is based on the Milton Bradley board game The Game of Life. It premiered on September 3, 2011 with a special "preview" episode, and began its official run two weeks later on September 17, 2011, airing on Saturday nights.