Las hermanas Bolena

Las hermanas Bolena 2008


Inglaterra, siglo XVI. Narra la historia de dos hermanas, Ana y María Bolena (Portman & Johansson). El padre y el tío de ambas, movidos por la ambición de mejorar el nivel social y el poder de la familia, convencen a las jóvenes para que conquisten el amor de Enrique VIII, Rey de Inglaterra. Ana y María abandonan su vida en el campo para trasladarse al peligroso y apasionante mundo de la corte. Pero, pronto surge entre ellas una rivalidad sin cuartel para obtener el amor del Rey. Al principio, el Rey escoge como amante a María y tiene con ella un bastardo. Pero Ana, que es muy inteligente y astuta, consigue eclipsar a su hermana e, incluso, que el rey repudie a Catalina de Aragón, su legítima esposa.


Un hombre para la eternidad

Un hombre para la eternidad 1966


Para divorciarse de su esposa Catalina de Aragón (hija de los Reyes Católicos y tía del emperador Carlos V) y contraer matrimonio con Ana Bolena, Enrique VIII (1509-1547) trata de obtener el apoyo de la aristocracia y del clero. Sir Thomas Moro, gran humanista ("Utopía", 1516), ferviente católico y hombre de confianza del monarca, se encuentra en una encrucijada: ¿debe actuar de acuerdo con su conciencia, arriesgándose a ser tachado de traidor y ejecutado, o debe ceder ante un rey que no tiene ningún reparo en adaptar la ley a sus necesidades?


Ana de los mil días

Ana de los mil días 1969


Enrique VIII de Inglaterra (1509-1547), casado con Catalina de Aragón, hija de los Reyes Católicos, se encapricha de Ana Bolena, una dama de la Corte, y decide casarse con ella. Pero, como el Papa no accede a concederle el divorcio, rompe con la Iglesia de Roma y crea la Iglesia Anglicana (Acta de Supremacía de 1534), convirtiéndose así en la suprema autoridad eclesiástica de Inglaterra. Años después, el rey acusa a Ana de alta traición y ordena que sea ejecutada.


El príncipe y el mendigo

El príncipe y el mendigo 1937


Inglaterra, siglo XVI. Tom, un niño pobre, y el príncipe Edward Tudor nacieron el mismo día, teniendo ambos un parecido asombroso. Un día Tom se cuela en los jardines del palacio y conoce al príncipe, decidiendo ambos intercambiase sus roles. Se cambian entonces las ropas, pero los guardias les descubren y expulsan al verdadero príncipe de Palacio. Nadie les cree cuando intentan contar la verdad...


La vida privada de Enrique VIII

La vida privada de Enrique VIII 1933


En mayo de 1536, justo después de la ejecución de su segunda esposa, Ana Bolena, Enrique VIII se casa con Jane Seymour, que muere dieciocho meses después. A continuación desposa a la princesa alemana Anne de Cleves, pero el matrimonio acaba en divorcio. Su quinta esposa, la bella y ambiciosa Katherine Howard, se enamora del cortesano Enrique Thomas Culpeper, pero el idilio es descubierto y ambos son ejecutados.


La espada y la rosa

La espada y la rosa 1953


En el año 1514, siendo rey de Inglaterra Enrique VIII, su hermana Mary Tudor se compromete con Luis XII, Rey de Francia, para sellar la unión entre los dos países. Pero la joven conoce a Charles Brandon, un apuesto y humilde abogado del que se enamora perdidamente.


The Tudors

The Tudors 2007


The Tudors is a history-based drama series following the young, vibrant King Henry VIII, a competitive and lustful monarch who navigates the intrigues of the English court and the human heart with equal vigor and justifiable suspicion.


Wolf Hall

Wolf Hall 2015


England in the 1520s is a heartbeat from disaster. If the King dies without a male heir, the country could be destroyed by civil war. Henry VIII wants to annul his marriage of twenty years and marry Anne Boleyn. The Pope and most of Europe oppose him. Into this impasse steps Thomas Cromwell: a wholly original man, a charmer, and a bully, both idealist and opportunist, astute in reading people, and implacable in his ambition. But Henry is volatile: one day tender, one day murderous. Cromwell helps him break the opposition, but what will be the price of his triumph?


Henry VIII

Henry VIII 2003


The life of Henry VIII of England from the disintegration of his first marriage to an aging Spanish princess until his death following a stroke in 1547, by which time he had married for the sixth time.


Blood, Sex & Royalty

Blood, Sex & Royalty 2022


A modern take on the British royal drama, this steamy series offers a window into the lives of history's deadliest, sexiest and most iconic monarchs.


The Six Wives of Henry VIII

The Six Wives of Henry VIII 1970


Series of television plays written by six different authors. Each play is a lavish dramatization of the trials and tribulations surrounding Henry and his wives. Keith Michell ties the episodes together with his dignified and magnetic performance as the mighty monarch.


Henry and Anne: The Lovers Who Changed History

Henry and Anne: The Lovers Who Changed History 2014


Historian Dr Suzannah Lipscomb unfolds the extraordinary story of the tumultuous love affair between Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn, and asks: was it really love that brought them together – and was it love that tore them apart? Suzannah's journey will take her from Anne's childhood home at Hever Castle in Kent to the French palace where, some say, she learned the art of love. She will also visit Hampton Court, where Henry built the Great Hall for his new queen, and the Tower of London, where he had her beheaded.


Six Wives with Lucy Worsley

Six Wives with Lucy Worsley 2016


In an ambitious and groundbreaking approach to drama and history featuring dramatic reconstruction, historian Lucy Worsley time travels back to the Tudor Court to witness some of the most dramatic moments in the lives of Henry VIII's six wives.


Henry VIII and His Six Wives

Henry VIII and His Six Wives 2016


Henry VIII is the most infamous monarch in English history. Famously he married six times over his 36 year reign. The six queens were formidable individuals. Some were ambitious, some brave, some ruthless - and between them they shaped the man who began as a Renaissance prince, became a monster and ended a regretful old man. In turn they shaped England itself. Presented jointly Suzannah Lipscomb and Dan Jones, this is 4-Part series is an original and enlightening look at the real people at the centre of the action during one of the most turbulent, passionate and violent periods in English history.


The Boleyns: A Scandalous Family

The Boleyns: A Scandalous Family 2021


Part documentary, part historical drama, this series follows the fortunes of the different members of the Boleyn family, ultimately made notorious for daughter Anne’s marriage to Henry VIII and execution.


Inside Hampton Court Palace

Inside Hampton Court Palace 2021


On the edge of London stands Hampton Court, one of Britain's biggest palaces and most popular tourist spots, attracting almost a million visitors every year. Spanning 750 acres of grounds, it boasts 1,300 rooms and 23 courtyards...along with a host of secrets and historic stories. This two-part special provides an exclusive and intimate look at life inside the court today for the people keeping Henry VIII's world alive in the modern age, and also explores what life was like in the palace where the private world of the Tudors began.