Dos mujeres

Dos mujeres 2017


Claire es una maravillosa comadrona con un talento natural para traer niños al mundo. Pero con los años su tierna y delicada artesanía es cuestionada por los más eficientes y modernos métodos de los hospitales. Un día recibe una llamada de Béatrice, la frívola ex mujer de su fallecido padre, que quiere verla con urgencia tras 30 años de mutua indiferencia. Su encuentro conducirá a la revelación de ciertos secretos que darán sentido a una parte importante de sus vidas.


Un feliz acontecimiento

Un feliz acontecimiento 2011


El guión, escrito por el director y Vanessa Portal, adapta una novela de Eliette Abeccassis, protagonizada por una pareja que vive como si fueran solteros sin hijos. La llegada de un bebé cambia drásticamente su vida cotidiana convirtiéndola en un verdadero calvario. Film que “habla con humor y ternura de la felicidad, y también de las dificultades de ser padres jóvenes”


O corno

O corno 2023


Illa de Arousa, 1971. María es una mujer que se gana la vida mariscando. También es conocida en la isla por ayudar a otras mujeres en sus partos con especial dedicación y cuidado. Tras un inesperado suceso, se ve obligada a huir y comienza una peligrosa travesía que le hará luchar por su supervivencia. Buscando su libertad, María decide cruzar la frontera por una de las rutas de contrabando entre Galicia y Portugal.



Mamífera 2024


Lola (40) disfruta de una vida feliz con su pareja, Bruno, hasta que un embarazo inesperado revoluciona todos sus planes. Ella tiene claro que no quiere ser madre, y se enfrenta a las expectativas sociales y los temores internos sobre las repercusiones de esta decisión. De forma inesperada, Bruno duda sobre su deseo de ser padre, y esto hace trastornar la búsqueda de claridad de Lola sobre su futuro.


La decisión

La decisión 2024


En la inmensidad de lo incierto ante la posibilidad de alumbramiento solo la deseosa libertad puede guiar la vorágine decisión.





Dos drag Queens que viven en un lugar donde la homofobia y transfobia son un tema frecuente; abren su corazón al mundo mostrando al ser humano detrás del maquillaje y pelucas, mostrando la realidad del Arte drag y cómo es ser salir adelante siendo parte del colectivo LGBTTTI+ en un contexto Latinoamericano.


Call the Midwife

Call the Midwife 2012


Drama following the lives of a group of midwives working in the poverty-stricken East End of London during the 1950s, based on the best-selling memoirs of Jennifer Worth.


Love Child

Love Child 2014


The lives of staff at the fictional Kings Cross Hospital and the wild streets of Darlinghurst in the 1960s. Joan Miller is a smart and sophisticated midwife who returns home from London to take a job at the Kings Cross Hospital. Dr Patrick McNaughton is a charismatic head of obstetrics at Kings Cross Hospital. Frances Bolton is the tough matron who also controls the running of Stanton House, a home for unwed pregnant young women.


The Delivery Man

The Delivery Man 2015


Matthew decides to leave his job and train to become a male midwife on a busy maternity ward. He is soon joined by best friend and former policeman friend Ian who joins as the hospital security guard.



Breathless 2013


Hospital drama set in London during the early 1960s, following the staff of a busy gynecology ward at a time when abortion is illegal and the contraceptive pill is only just becoming available to married women.



Mammas 2013


Isabella Rossellini is convinced that, in the maternal animal world, anything goes. 'Mammas,' a series of short videos, has Rossellini playing the role of nine different animals to show the viewer that some mothers lie, are polygamous, and walk out on their animal children all the time.



Inconceivable 2005


Inconceivable is an American primetime television medical drama, which was broadcast on NBC. The program premiered on September 23, 2005. The show revolved around the professional and personal lives of those who work at the Family Options Fertility Clinic. The clinic is run by its co-founders along with their new partner. The staff includes an attorney, a nurse, office manager and a medical technician. The series was created by Oliver Goldstick and Marco Pennette. Goldstick and Pennette also serve as executive producers as do Brian Robbins and Mike Tollin. The show was a Touchstone Television and Tollin/Robbins production. It was one of the few shows produced by the former not to air on ABC in recent years. Only two episodes aired before the series was canceled.


Help! We're Having a Baby

Help! We're Having a Baby 2018


There is no bigger moment in a person’s life than when they first hold their baby in their arms. It doesn’t matter how many guidebooks you’ve read, or antenatal classes you’ve attended - nobody is ever prepared for the total shock of new parenthood. This warm and insightful new series follows the lives of eight babies in those first six months of their lives and the impact on their parents’ lives and relationships. Our families are drawn from a range of backgrounds – from young first-time parents of triplets, to seasoned pros, a single-parent family to a modern-day ‘earth mother’. We will follow each of our families on the rollercoaster ride of their lives.