El mayordomo inglés

El mayordomo inglés 2023


Un hombre de negocios británico acepta el trabajo como mayordomo de una casa solariega en Francia para conservar los recuerdos de su difunta esposa francesa. Su vida da un giro mientras navega por el comportamiento excéntrico de la dueña de la mansión y el personal de la casa.


La venganza del hombre invisible

La venganza del hombre invisible 1944


El doctor Drury vuelve invisible a Robert Griffin, un asesino psicópata, quien tiene el problema que cuando quiere volver a la visibilidad debe inyectarse sangre de otra persona, matándola en el proceso. Griffin aprovechará su invisibilidad para vengarse de unos antigüos amigos a los que acusa de robarle y haber intentado matarle.


Secrets of the Manor House

Secrets of the Manor House 2012


Exactly 100 years ago, the world of the British manor house was at its height. It was a life of luxury and indolence for a wealthy few supported by the labor of hundreds of servants toiling ceaselessly "below stairs" to make the lives of their lords and ladies run as smoothly as possible. It is a world that has provided a majestic backdrop to a range of movies and popular costume dramas to this day, including PBS' "Downton Abbey." But what was really going on behind these stately walls? "Secrets of the Manor House" looks beyond the fiction to the truth of what life was like in these British houses of yesteryear. They were communities where two separate worlds existed side by side: the poor worked as domestic servants, while the nation’s wealthiest families enjoyed a lifestyle of luxury, and aristocrats ruled over their servants as they had done for a thousand years.