Arrietty y el mundo de los diminutos 2010
Una joven diminuta llamada Arrietty, que se hace amiga de un niño mucho más grande que ella, tendrá que proteger a su familia de todos los gigantes.
Una joven diminuta llamada Arrietty, que se hace amiga de un niño mucho más grande que ella, tendrá que proteger a su familia de todos los gigantes.
Willie, un amargado y solitario alcohólico, trabaja cada temporada de Navidad en los centros comerciales disfrazado de Papá Noel junto su compañero Marcus, que hace de duende. Cada vispera de Navidad, desconectan la alarma de seguridad después de que el centro comercial cierra, y revientan la caja fuerte. En su nuevo destino se encontrarán con un jefe de seguridad que sospecha de ellos, y con un niño muy peculiar, en cuya casa Willie se hospedará.
Son precavidos, silenciosos, intrépidos, miden 6,5 cm y nunca los han visto. Pocho Clock, Obdulia y sus hijos Anita y Pizquita viven pacificamente "de prestado" en el subsuelo de una casa habitada por la familia Lender. Un día, la intrépida Anita decide lanzarse a la aventura, y es atrapada por el joven Pete Lender, pero ambos se hacen buenos amigos y éste le cuenta a Anita que su tía abuela Mary, a quien pertenece la casa, ha muerto y, al no aparecer su testamento, tienen que abandonar su hogar. Juntos se unirán en la alucinante aventura de la búsqueda del testamento para detener los planes del rastrero abogado Ocius Potter, que desea derribar la casa.
A mediados del siglo XIX, un guía de caravanas (Robert Taylor) recibe el encargo de conducir a un grupo de mujeres desde Chicago a California. A partir de Independence (Missouri) tendrán que recorrer cinco mil kilómetros cruzando las montañas de Utah y el desierto californiano, en un viaje lleno de penalidades que constituye una auténtica odisea. El objetivo de la caravana es llegar a un valle habitado por un grupo de solteros solitarios que buscan esposa.
Arriety Clock, una tozuda adolescente Borrower, está ansiosa por explorar el mundo más allá de su casa escondida bajo el subsuelo, pero sus padres Pod y Homily temen a los humanos. Sin embargo Arriety termina haciéndose amiga de James, un niño humano que vive en la casa junto a su padre, reciente viudo. Cuando la casa oculta de los Borrower es descubierta y la familia es obligada a aventurarse en el ancho mundo, los padres terminan en manos del profesor Mildeye, un científico decidido a recuperar su reputación exponiendo al público a la "gente pequeña". La única ayuda de Arriety podría ser Spiller, un Borrower canalla y callejero.
Una presentadora de televisión y su amigo son transportados a un planeta extraño por un científico.
Documental sobre cine - Una odisea express en el mundo subterráneo de la provincia raras veces explorada de rodaje de género filipino.
Despues de ser picado por un escorpión, el teniente Bobby se despierta en la morgue del hospital y se da cuenta de que no tiene pulso. Mientras estaba en el hospital, su escuadron se han transformado en zombies sedientos de carne fresca.
El héroe terrestre Tarl Cabot (véase Gor) es nuevamente transportado al planeta Gor, donde será acusado del asesinato del Rey.
El doctor Marius Zarcof y sus secuaces enanos raptan a Yolanda, una de las concursantes del certamen bellezas Señorita México, para congelar su cuerpo y revivirla cuando el doctor quiera. Ella es ahijada del luchador Mil máscaras, que avisa a sus colegas Blue demon, el Médico Asesino y Tinieblas. Blue y otros descubren al doctor en el aeropuerto, donde llevan varias muchachas congeladas, y echan abajo sus planes al vencerlo junto con sus enanos, aunque éstos adquieren la fuerza de cien hombres al meterse a una máquina. En el concurso aplauden a las muchas tanto como a los luchadores. Continúa en Vuelven los campeones justicieros.
Too Sweet, boxeador profesional, es drogado sin saberlo con un fuerte estimulante químico justo antes de un combate. Con la mente completamente fuera de si golpea a su rival hasta matarlo. Es acusado de homicidio involuntario y sentenciado a prisión. A su llegada descubre que en la cárcel hay dos equipos rivales de boxeo, uno liderado por el guardián, otro por el poderoso y corrompido Serenghetti, que controla la vida en aquel reducto. Traumatizado por la muerte de su rival en el ring, Sweet rechaza unirse al equipo del guardián, lo que le lleva a una celda con los hombres de Serenghetti y también se niega a unirse a su equipo. Así que Serenghetti decide darle caza.
Historia de una pobre emigrante que llega a América y consigue trabajo para que su hijo pueda estudiar en un buen colegio.
The Johnstons, a family of little people, juggle family and health issues on top of a home renovation.
Bill Klein and Jen Arnold are just like your average couple – except they’re both under 4 feet tall! They’ve faced not only the struggles of two little people in an average-sized world, but are starting a family with their two adorable, adopted children.
These new little ladies turn it up wherever they go, especially with club promoter Emily Fernandez leading the charge with identical twins, Andrea and Amanda Salinas, Bri Barlup, Ashley "Minnie" Ross and Tiffany "Monie" Cashette. The drama heats up with these friends as catfights erupt among their feisty personalities and power hierarchies. Like many friends, they deal with problems with their parents, fights over men and one little lady even has a baby on the way. When it comes down to it, this clique is not afraid to get into it with each other, but together they face the daily challenges that come with being a little person while proving they are the true queens of Atlanta.
The Borrowers are small, 15cm high humans who live in the English hinterland. They live out their lives in mouse-hole sized nooks in human homes, and survive by 'borrowing' all they need from the house and its inhabitants. This series follows young girl Arriety, and her parents Pod and Homily, as they are displaced from their home and try to find a new home, with the help of a human boy, George.
The Wizard is a live-action, family friendly, action/adventure series created by Michael Berk, Douglas Schwartz, and Paul B. Radin. The series included lessons in diversity, friendship, imagination, respect, and never giving up.
Follow the adventures of a group of young, vibrant little women living in Dallas. People often stare, but it's not because they're little, it's because they can command a room. The show centers around the ladies' real lives and features true tension and tenderness between a group of loyal - and sometimes disloyal - friends.
Reality show following Little Women: LA star Terra Jole which begins as she prepares to welcome her baby into the world and continues following the adventures of the family.
The adventures of a unique group of smart, sexy and funny girlfriends with big hearts and big personalities – who all happen to be little people. Viewers walk in their shoes as they deal with relationships, parenting, careers and the ups and downs of friendships. They laugh, cry, compete and fight with one another, but despite it all they share a special unbreakable bond.
Warwick Davis is joined by his family for this new series about holidaying in Great Britain. As a keen ‘staycationer’, Warwick loves nothing more than spending time in Britain rather than travelling abroad, however his family don’t feel quite the same way. Over six episodes, Warwick and his wife Sam, kids Annabelle and Harrison and dog Sherlock explore the British Isles investigating what makes a quintessential British holiday. Warwick also tries to convince them of the benefits of holidaying near home. The Davis family visit some of Britain’s most famous holiday spots, camping, caravanning or staying in their campervan. As well as showing some of the great destinations the UK has to offer, the series is also an amusing insight into how families behave on holiday.
The daily lives of persons of short stature, people who do not go unnoticed and for whom each day brings its share of unexpected events. The protagonists embrace their difference and live their lives to the fullest.
A group of little ladies navigate the Big Apple while facing obstacles that test people even of average height like hailing cabs, catching subways and traversing crowded streets. These east coast besties scramble to try to make it big in Manhattan, supporting one another every step of the way as they prove that “if they can make it there, they’ll make it anywhere”.
Half Pint Brawlers is a wrestling company and television series. The company is considered the craziest and also the top midget wrestling company in the country. Known for controversy and also for their hardcore wrestling style, they often use staple guns, thumb tacks, broken bottles, and barbed wire in their matches. They got a fraternity kicked off of campus for one of their politically incorrect shows, and have been banned from performing in certain states. The company is made up of Puppet "The Psycho Dwarf" who runs the company. Little Kato "The Dwarf Destroyer" is the veteran of the group and he almost dies in the very first episode. Beautiful Bobby is Kato's long-haired brother known for his high-flying style. Turtle is the rookie of the group and the fellow emcee. Madd Mexx is known as "The Immigration Sensation". Teo is the smallest Extreme Athlete who causes the most problems in the group and stands in at 3 ft 10 in. Spyder Nate Webb is the only tall guy in the group and also acts as an announcer. Spike TV aired the first season of the series following the Half Pint Brawlers in 2010. During the first season of the show, the Brawlers performed shows at a maximum security prison, on Bourbon Street, at a redneck festival, and a show with Luchadores in Mexico. The show was produced by the Lumberjack Crew and Idea Factory production companies.
Seven Dwarves is a seven-part documentary reality television series commissioned by Channel 4 in the United Kingdom. The show follows seven dwarf actors as they prepare for and take part in the pantomime Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. The series began broadcasting on 16 August 2011 in the 9pm primetime slot. The first episode attracted more than 2.5 million viewers. The subsequent episodes were equally popular, with the second episode being watched by 2.77 million people.