Robert Gillis The Charmkins Halloween Is Grinch Night El miedo antes de Navidad The Bear Who Slept Through Christmas Ésta es la gran calabaza, Charlie Brown Play It Again, Charlie Brown Es Acción de Gracias, Charlie Brown Charlie Brown's All-Stars! Es Acción de Gracias, Charlie Brown You're Not Elected, Charlie Brown La Navidad de Charlie Brown Cuentos de Navidad de Bugs Bunny There's No Time for Love, Charlie Brown Daffy Duck's Easter Egg-Citement Un niño llamado Charlie Brown Babar Comes to America My Little Pony: Escape from Catrina My Little Pony Dennis the Menace in Mayday for Mother Star Pink Doctor Pink Pink Press String Along in Pink Pink Pull Yankee Doodle Pink The Pink of Bagdad The Pink Pro Pinky Doodle The Pink of Arabee Trail of the Lonesome Pink Pink Streaker Pink and Shovel Pink Aye Pink Campaign Pink Arcade Pink Pictures Snoopy, vuelve a casa Snoopy, vuelve a casa The Rainbow Bear