Owen Davis Jezabel Big Jim Garrity Spring Is Here Mr. and Mrs. North Un yanqui en la corte del rey Arturo The Simp Yours Sincerely My Sin Easy Come, Easy Go The Lighthouse by the Sea El gran Gatsby La sortija que mata El tumbón Chinatown Charlie Mile-a-Minute Kendall Broadway After Dark Blow Your Own Horn The Man Who Came Back So This Is London The Shamrock and the Rose Rumbo a Oriente Icebound The 9th Guest Tonight at Twelve Tonight at Twelve Forever After The Haunted House Lola Nellie, the Beautiful Cloak Model Through the Breakers The Wishing Ring: An Idyll of Old England The Girl Habit The 9th Guest Hearts in Exile The Sentimental Lady The Green Cloak The Woman Next Door Cabaret Why Girls Leave Home How Baxter Butted In Driftwood Only Saps Work They Had to See Paris Her Marriage Vow