Tom Ray Rats in Spats Pent-House Mouse Tom-ic Energy The Unshrinkable Jerry Mouse The Dot and the Line: A Romance in Lower Mathematics The Bear That Wasn't El ratón que Jack creó El Coyote y el Correcaminos: Beep o no beep, esa es la cuestión Bugs Bunny: Loco como un conejo marciano Superior Duck Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Pink The Night Before Christmas The Bear Who Slept Through Christmas Señora Doubtfire, papá de por vida Shutter Bugged Cat Matinee Mouse Garfield and Friends: Dreams & Schemes The Littlest Giant Las primeras navidades del oso Yogui West of the Pesos Horse Hare Wild Wild World Gallo Claudio: Vaya un día de exploradores Mice Follies El Coyote y el Correcaminos: Herido que anda a saltos The Dixie Fryer Trip for Tat Dog Gone People El Coyote y el Correcaminos: Rapidez a raudales Cannery Woe Strangled Eggs D' Fightin' Ones Hoppy Daze Horton Hears a Who! Tom and Jerry's Winter Wackiness Ah, Sweet Mouse-Story Of Life The Cat Above and the Mouse Below El Coyote y el Correcaminos: Estate preparado Cat and Dupli-cat Haunted Mouse Winnie the Pooh descubre las estaciones People Are Bunny Jerry, Jerry, Quite Contrary A Scent of the Matterhorn Zarpa gatuna Nelly's Folly El Coyote y el Correcaminos: Zip Zip Hooray! Gallo Claudio: Pechuga descorazonada Lucky Pink Put-Put, Pink Louvre Come Back to Me! G.I. Pink The Pink Quarterback Pink Valiant Come On In! The Water's Pink Duel Personality Of Feline Bondage El Coyote y el Correcaminos: Liebre comprimida Is There a Doctor in the Mouse? Much Ado About Mousing I Only Have Eyes for You Winnie the Pooh y un día para Ígor Carnival of the Animals Raggedy Ann & Andy: The Great Santa Claus Caper Pre-Hysterical Hare El Coyote y el Correcaminos: Una oveja en las profundidades China Jones El Coyote y el Correcaminos: Guerra y piezas