Thomas Pratt La calle 42 El regreso del Doctor X Sing Me a Love Song The Hard Way The Florentine Dagger Wild Boys of the Road Hearts in Exile Shadows on the Stairs Pasto de tiburones The Case of the Black Parrot Mandalay She Loved a Fireman The Man Who Talked Too Much The Golden Arrow Caminando en el viento Always in My Heart Glorious Betsy Hombre de leyes Alibi Ike Avidez de tragedia The Cherokee Strip Women in the Wind La mujer del cuadro Desirable Torchy Blane in Panama Lucha en la sombra Merry Wives of Reno Miss Robin Crusoe Broadway Musketeers Accidents Will Happen Women They Talk About The Redeeming Sin Elmer, the Great Winner Take All I Am an American Goodbye Again The Hot Heiress Public Enemy's Wife Murder in the Clouds Sensation Seekers The Voice That Thrilled the World Los muertos andan College Coach Penrod and Sam A Fugitive from Justice The Widow from Monte Carlo British Intelligence The Mad Whirl