Allen Jenkins La calle 42 Blondie Johnson Confidencias de medianoche La dama del tren Behind the Scenes of Cain and Mabel La mujer marcada El hermano orquídea A Slight Case of Murder Calle sin salida Soy un fugitivo Bola de fuego Tres vidas de mujer Chained for Life Grata compañía El senador fue indiscreto Los diamantes del Halcón Todos besaron a la novia Employees' Entrance Arizona El Halcón inicia el vuelo El intrépido Halcón Pasos en la oscuridad Going Places El sorprendente Dr. Clitterhouse Bombarderos en picado 4 Gangsters de Chicago Five Came Back Swing Your Lady A la caza de herederos The Case of the Baby-Sitter Eyes in the Night Sh! The Octopus Racket Busters Prueba heroica Time Out for Rhythm The Big Shakedown Por el mal camino La vida es así Maisie Gets Her Man For Those Who Think Young The Hat Box Mystery The Mind Reader Hombre de leyes Bodyhold Bedside The Case of the Howling Dog Gold Diggers in Paris Three Men on a Horse En pos de la ventura Let's Go Navy! The Case of the Lucky Legs The Merry Frinks Duro de pelar Ready, Willing and Able The Singing Kid Miss Pacific Fleet Tomorrow at Seven The Inside Story Sweet Music Dance Charlie Dance I'd Rather Be Rich Torchy Blane.. Playing with Dynamite Fools for Scandal Cain and Mabel El mundo está loco, loco, loco The St. Louis Kid Page Miss Glory Broadway Hostess Hollywood Out-takes and Rare Footage Fun on a Weekend Heart of the North El predilecto La mundana Marry the Girl A Night at the Ritz I Live for Love Novia profesional Havana Widows Easy Come, Easy Go Go West, Young Lady Oklahoma Annie Hard to Get I've Got Your Number El perfecto ejemplar Whirlpool The Silk Express 42nd Street: From Book to Screen to Stage El Espía del Sombrero Verde Un día en Santa Anita Ever Since Eve The Singing Marine Un hombre fenómeno Sing Me a Love Song Meet Me on Broadway The WAC From Walla Walla Twenty Million Sweethearts Meet the Wildcat The Case of the Curious Bride Crazy Over Horses Naughty But Nice Sweepstakes Winner While the Patient Slept Sins of Man Los desaparecidos Tres días de amor y fe Tin Pan Alley Oh, Johnny, How You Can Love! Margie Breakdowns of 1936 The Dark Horse Talent Scout Blow-Ups of 1947 Primera plana La mujer disputada Gran Hotel Breakdowns of 1938 Three Cheers for the Girls Breakdowns of 1937 Things You Never See on the Screen Breakdowns of 1940 Rackety Rax Mujeres liberadas Singin' in the Corn James Stewart: A Wonderful Life King Kong Doctor, You've Got to Be Kidding! Pórtate bien The Girl Habit Getting Away from It All My Wife's an Angel December Bride Batman Don Gato y su pandilla Embrujada General Electric Theater Ben Casey Racket Squad La rubia peligrosa Mr. & Mrs. North The Adventures of Boston Blackie Hey, Jeannie! The Duke Embrujada Caravana Área 12 Four Star Playhouse The Red Skelton Show El agente de CIPOL Studio 57 Te quiero, Lucy