Darin Scott We Come In Pieces: The Rebirth of the Horror Anthology Film Caught Up Tales from the Hood The Brothers Tales of the Uncanny 1982: Greatest Geek Year Ever! Eddie Presley Best Christmas Movies Ever! El padrastro 2 Tales from the Hood Tales from the Hood Infierno en Los Ángeles Amor del calibre 45 Dark House Dark House Dark House American Horror House Nunca te acuestes enfadado Something Wicked Caught Up Caught Up La hija del pastor Every Breath She Takes Se donde está Lizzie Sin salida: Waist Deep Deep Blue Sea 2 Tales from the Hood 2 Tales from the Hood 2 Tales from the Hood 2 American Nightmares Gritos en Oldfield La ira de una madre American Nightmares Gritos en Oldfield Sprung American Nightmares Tales from the Hood 3 Tales from the Hood 3 Tales from the Hood 3 House Party: Tonight's the Night Greatest Geek Year Ever! 1982 Greatest Geek Year Ever! 1982 Greatest Geek Year Ever! 1982 Greatest Geek Year Ever! 1982 Greatest Geek Year Ever! 1982