David Gerber La Noche de los Lápices The Prairie Vuelo 93 To Kill a Cop La búsqueda Pleasure Cove Nada es para siempre Cover Girls Jarrett Cop on the Beat Police Story: Confessions of a Lady Cop The Magnificent Magical Magnet of Santa Mesa Nakia Power El Batallón perdido George Washington II: The Forging of a Nation Prudence and the Chief The Billion Dollar Threat Terror Among Us Elvis and the Beauty Queen Keefer Doctors' Private Lives Erase una vez una espía The Courage and the Passion The Neighborhood The Night the City Screamed On the Line Incident on a Dark Street The Price of Love A Cry For Justice Big John Morrison The Girl on the Late, Late Show A Killing Affair La marcha más larga The Lindbergh Kidnapping Case