Terminaator 2: Kohtupäev

Terminaator 2: Kohtupäev 1991


Kümme aastat tagasi hävitas Sarah Connor esimese terminaatori. Nüüd saabub teine, samasugune tapamasin. Kuid seekordse versiooni ülesandeks on peatada veelgi surmavam terminaator T-1000 , kes on saadetud tapma nüüdseks teismeliseikka jõudnud tulevast inimeste vastupanuliikumise juhti, John Connorit. Sarah, John ja Terminaator lähevad peatama teadlast, kes tegeleb Skynet süsteemi ja selle allüksuste arendamisega.


12 ahvi

12 ahvi 1995


Aastal 2035 mõistis James Cole süüdimatult vabatahtlikult tagasi vabatahtlikud, kes saadeti tagasi, et avastada surmav viirus, mis hävitas peaaegu kogu maakera elanikkonna ja sundis ellujäänud maa-alustesse kogukondadesse. Kuid kui Cole saadetakse ekslikult 1996. aasta asemel 1990. aastasse, arreteeritakse ta ja ta lukustatakse vaimuhaiglasse. Seal kohtub ta psühhiaatri dr Kathryn Railly ja kuulsa viiruseeksperdi poja Jeffrey Goinesega, kellel võib olla salapärase petturirühma - 12 ahvi armee - võti, kes vastutab tapjahaiguse vallandamise eest.



Gootika 2003


Pühendunud ja edukas kriminaalpsühholoog dr Miranda Gray ärkab ühel päeval, et leida patsient samas vaimses asutuses, kus ta töötab, ilma mälestuseta mõrvast, mille ta ilmselt toime pani. Ta avastab peagi, et tema abikaasa mõrvati 3 päeva tagasi jõhkralt ja vereandmed ... süüdistavad teda.



Legion 2017


David Haller, AKA Legion, is a troubled young man who may be more than human. Diagnosed as schizophrenic, David has been in and out of psychiatric hospitals for years. But after a strange encounter with a fellow patient, he’s confronted with the possibility that the voices he hears and the visions he sees might be real.


The Outsider

The Outsider 2001


Rodrigo Junquera finds out he is close to death, he decides to ask the nanny of his young child, Virginia Martínez, a beautiful and honest woman, to marry him with the intention of preparing the road so she can look after his children when he's gone. Virginia has to deal with the contempt of Rodrigo's children who acuse her of being an ambitious woman who married their father for his money. Virginia is in love with Rodrigo's eldest son, Carlos Alberto, who has come to mistreat her after finding out she married his dad.


Marks' Mountain

Marks' Mountain 2010


20 years ago a half-frozen boy was rescuded in the mountains after his parents apparent sucide. He gets released from a mental institution and his girlfriend notices him talking about a dark mountain shadow. Meanwhile a murder happens in a residential area in Tokyo. Assistant Inspector Goda Yuichiro takes on the investigation. Soon an official of the Ministery of Justice gets murdered in a similar fashion pointing towards a serial killer. Yet, Goda receives a strange order from above: he's not to further investigate in this direction. He senses a huge mystery behind the case and starts chasing after the psychopath killer called Marks. Somehow a journalist's research about a corrupt construction magnate and another unsolved murder that happend in the mountains 13 years ago are also linked to the case.



Maniac 2015


The story of Espen, a man in his thirties who is loved by everyone. Every day is a party and there's no limit to what he experiences. We meet Espen in various situations where everything is amazing and whatever happens, Espen knows how to handle it. It is simply too good to be true. Espen has escaped into his own head and where his life is a fantastic fantasy world. In real life he is a patient at the psychiatric ward. What would you choose if you were in Espens situation - to be a fantasy hero or an everyday loser?