Terminaator 2: Kohtupäev

Terminaator 2: Kohtupäev 1991


Kümme aastat tagasi hävitas Sarah Connor esimese terminaatori. Nüüd saabub teine, samasugune tapamasin. Kuid seekordse versiooni ülesandeks on peatada veelgi surmavam terminaator T-1000 , kes on saadetud tapma nüüdseks teismeliseikka jõudnud tulevast inimeste vastupanuliikumise juhti, John Connorit. Sarah, John ja Terminaator lähevad peatama teadlast, kes tegeleb Skynet süsteemi ja selle allüksuste arendamisega.


Kellavärgiga apelsin

Kellavärgiga apelsin 1971


Tuleviku Inglismaal on vägivald noorte argipäeva loomulik osa. Ka Beethoveni muusikast vaimustunud Alex deLarge (Malcolm McDowell) ja tema kolm kaaslast hulguvad õhtuti mööda tänavaid ja otsivad võimalusi oma vägivaldseid fantaasiaid välja elada. Ühel päeval vahistatakse Alex ja talle mõistetakse vanglakaristus. Et seda lühendada, nõustub ta osalema uudses teraapias, mis muudab inimese võimetuks isegi vägivallale mõtlema. Näiliselt vägivallast terveks ravitud, lastakse noormees tagasi ühiskonda. Kuid ühiskonnas, mis ei tunne andestust, ei ole kerge taas õigele rajale saada isegi siis, kui sa midagi halba ei tee.



Emme 2014




Kids 1995



Corpus Christi

Corpus Christi 2019


20-aastane Daniel ootab noorte kinnipidamiskeskusest vabastamist. Leidnud tööd Poola külakeses asuvas saeveskis, pihib ta kohalikule preestrile oma soovist asuda tegelikult hoopiski usulisele teele; see aga on tema keerulist minevikku arvestades võimatu. Ometi sunnib suhe kahe kohaliku naisega Danieli õige pea oma tavatööst loobuma ja ta võtab koguduse üle, täis otsustavust aidata kohalikke elanikke pärast kohutavat tragöödiat.



Misfits 2009


When five young outsiders on Community Service get caught in a strange storm, they discover that they have developed superpowers.


KO One

KO One 2005


Gifted with special powers, fighting skills and slick hair, the rowdy KO One navigates tough friendships and high school romance.


Grey Home

Grey Home 1986


A moving story about the residents of correctional facility, rejected by parents and environment. Going through a strict regimen of life in the home, they are constantly trying to reverse the fate in their favor. Although they were given a chance to change, their actions always return to the beginning. Constantly on the border between personal whims and once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to become humans, they remain as wolves who find hard to change their mood. What finally remains is a perpetual dilemma whether their fate is innate, or is it forced by the communities in which they grew up...


Angry Boys

Angry Boys 2011


Angry Boys is an Australian television mockumentary series written by and starring Chris Lilley. Continuing the mockumentary style of his previous series, the show explores the issues faced by young males in the 21st century – their influences, their pressures, their dreams and ambitions. In Angry Boys, Lilley plays multiple characters: S.mouse, an American rapper; Jen, a manipulative Japanese mother; Blake Oakfield, a champion surfer; Ruth "Gran" Sims, a guard at a juvenile detention facility; and her grandchildren, South Australian twins Daniel and Nathan Sims. The series is a co-production between the Australian Broadcasting Corporation and US cable channel HBO, with a pre-sale to BBC Three in the United Kingdom. Filmed in Melbourne, Los Angeles and Tokyo, Angry Boys premièred on 11 May 2011 at 9:00 pm on ABC1.


Jonah From Tonga

Jonah From Tonga 2014


Fourteen year old breakdancer and mischievous delinquent, Jonah Takalua, returns from Tonga to start a new life at Holy Cross High School. Dominating the playground with his gang Fobba-licious, amusing himself with endless filfthy jokes and a schoolyard rivalry with the Rangas, Jonah challenges the school system, getting himself into more trouble than ever before.


Open Heart

Open Heart 2015


In the wake of her father's disappearance, 16-year-old Dylan Blake falls in with the wrong crowd, gets arrested, and earns court-ordered community service volunteering at Open Heart Memorial, the hospital where her mother and sister are doctors, where her grandparents are board members and benefactors and where her father was last seen the day he vanished.


One Bad Choice

One Bad Choice 2015


How one bad decision can change where your life goes.


Kid Criminals

Kid Criminals 2015


In America at any one time there are over 70,000 children behind bars. Kid Criminals meets children in high-security juvenile prisons who have committed shocking crimes.



Juvies 2007


Juvies is an MTV television show following minors in the Lake County, Indiana Juvenile Justice Complex. The series' first and only season debuted on MTV in February 2007, and has re-aired regularly since. On July 30, 2008 the NWI Times reported that production was underway for another documentary series also to be filmed at the Lake County Juvenile Justice Complex in Crown Point, Indiana. The MSNBC version, re-branded as "Lockup - Lake County Juvenile Justice," takes a deeper look at the inner workings of the LCJC detention and court systems, and it ventures into other correctional facilities in Indiana, and premiered on MSNBC on July 4, 2009 at 10:00 E.T.