Häving 2018
Bioloog värvatakse ohtlikule, salajasele ekspeditsioonile salapärasesse tsooni, kus loodusseadused ei kehti.
Bioloog värvatakse ohtlikule, salajasele ekspeditsioonile salapärasesse tsooni, kus loodusseadused ei kehti.
Sõjafilm räägib õudsalt realistliku loo sõjalisest ja moraalsest kaosest, mida kogesid vaikse ookeani saartel võitlevad USA sõdurid II maailmasõja ajal. Film kandideeris seitsmele Oscarile.
The sudden death of her husband upends and transforms every relationship in Leigh Shaw’s life. It also forces her to realize there was a lot about her husband that she didn’t know.
A hilarious royal scheme begins when a fraud pretends to bring back the crown princess with spirit possession.
Stars, pop culture and the attitude to life between the fall of the Berlin Wall and 9/11 are shown in this documentary on the 30th anniversary of the former music channel VIVA, which first shaped the zeitgeist - and was then overrun by it.