Enne päikesetõusu

Enne päikesetõusu 1995


Keskealine abielupaar tülitseb rongis. Ei ole teada, millest. Mees heidab naisele ette, et see tarbib liiga palju alkoholi, naine ütleb, et tahab teda maja jätta. Atraktiivne prantslanna (Julie Delpy) on peagi sellest tüdinenud ja tõmbub tagasi varjulisemasse paika. Seal kõnetab teda noor ameeriklane (Ethan Hawke). Nad vestlevad, tunnevad sidet. Kui rong jõuab Viini rongijaama, peab Jesse väljuma. Kuid siis küsib ta Celinelt, kas ta ei tahaks päeva temaga veeta ja oma reisi homme jätkata. Celine nõustub. Üks päev ja üks öö. Rohkem aega neil pole...


8 Mile

8 Mile 2002


Tegemist on räpistaar Eminemi debüütfilmiga, mis räägib noore vihase ja andeka räppar Jimmy elust. Ta elab agulis koos alkohoolikust emaga ja väikse õega. Sealt pääsemine ja normaalse elu alustamine pole kergest, kuid Jimmy usub, et muusikaga on see võimalik. Aga millised on võimalused läbi lüüa kandis, kus enamik su sõpradest ei ela isegi 30. sünnipäevani?



Fabelmanid 2022


Teise maailmasõja järgses Arizonas üles kasvanud noor Sammy Fabelman soovib saada filmitegijaks, kuid avastab peagi vapustava peresaladuse ja uurib, kuidas filmide jõud aitab tal tõde näha.



Chef 2014



Fanny and Alexander

Fanny and Alexander 1984


Through the eyes of ten-year-old Alexander, we witness the delights and conflicts of the Ekdahl family, a sprawling bourgeois clan in turn-of-the-twentieth-century Sweden.


Sword of Honour

Sword of Honour 2001


Sword of Honour is a two-part adaptation of Evelyn Waugh’s semi-autobiographical World War II trilogy that aired Channel 4 in 2001. It centers on Guy Crouchback's, played by Daniel Craig, heroic quest to fight for a deep moral cause and to reclaim his manhood after a shattering divorce from the society beauty Virginia Troy.


The Best Intentions

The Best Intentions 1991


The story of Ingmar Bergman's parents. How they fell in love, married against the wishes of their families, and had a difficult marriage and life in rural Sweden. Bergman's father was a pastor and poor; his mother from a well to do cultured family. It ends with the birth of Ingmar.


Queer You Are

Queer You Are 2021


It shows the life trajectory of a gay village boy in search of his own identity.


Akai Tsuki

Akai Tsuki 2004


Fifty-five years after World War II, Morita Misaki travels to China with hopes of uncovering the truth behind the murder of a young Russian woman she witnessed as a child. Her journey allows her to revisit her childhood memories and retrace her family's struggles in a foreign land. In the midst of WWII, the Morita family moves to Manchuria to start a Japanese sake factory. Though their hopes for a new life seem quickly realized with the success of their business, the family's fortunes take a turn for the worse when a military informant accuses their live-in tutor of being a spy for Russia. Further complications arise when Russia begins its invasion of Manchuria and the family is forced to flee for their lives. In the midst of the ensuing turmoil and confusion, the Morita family, led by matriarch Namiko, must find the strength to endure and survive.