
Zootropolis 2016


Kõiksuguste imetajate elupaik Zootropolis erineb kõigest, mida seni nähtud. Paik, kus asuvad kõrvuti luksuslik tulikuum Sahara väljak ning jääkülm ja lumega kaetud Tundralinn, on otsekui suur sulatusahi, kus külg külje kõrval elavad loomad, kes looduses kunagi üksteise lähedusse ei satuks. See on koht, kus pole tähtis, kas oled elevant või hiir, on sul võimalus saada kelleks iganes. Värskelt Zootropolisse saabunud jänesetüdruk Judy Hopps näiteks tahab saada... politseinikuks! Ta avastab peagi, et suurte karmide loomade seas on väga raske oma kolleegide lugupidamist ära teenida, aga ta ei loobu proovimast. Selleks haarabki ta endale lootusetuna näiva kadunud loomade juhtumi, mis tähendab aga, et ta on sunnitud tegema koostööd Nick Wilde'i nimelise rebasest pisisuliga, kes pole vähimalgi määral huvitatud südi jäneseplika aitamisest.



Tipptund 1998


Kui Los Angeleses röövitakse Hiina konsuli tütar, palub konsul juhtumi lahendamisel oma vana tuttava, inspektor Lee (Jackie Chan), abi. USAs ei taha FBI aga temast midagi kuulda, mispärast määratakse hiinlase paarimeheks targutav uurija James Carter (Chris Tucker). Mehed on erinevad kui öö ja päev, kuid sellegi poolest mõistavad nad, et peavad jõud ühendama ja kriminaali trellide taha saatma.


Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F

Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F 2024


Axel Foley on tagasi Beverly Hillsis, sest tema tütre elu on ohus. Vanad sõbrad John Taggart ja Billy Rosewood liituvad temaga vandenõu paljastamisel.


Tipptund 2

Tipptund 2 2001


Löömamees Lee (Jackie Chan) ja lobamokk James Carter (Chris Tucker) on taas koos, et Hong Kongis puhkust veeta. Paraku ei tule sellest midagi välja, kuna nad satuvad rahapesu otsa, millesse on segatud Fu-Cang-Longi jõuk, pealikuks Ricky Tan (John Lone) ning tema surmav, kuid kaunis parem käsi Hu Li (Zhang Ziyi). Paarimehed peavad võitlema vastastega Hong Kongis, Los Angeleses ning Las Vegases, et lõpetada juurdlus, milles on mängus miljardid.


Tipptund 3

Tipptund 3 2007


Eelnevast kahest osast tuttavaks saanud kangelased Uurija Carter (Chris Tucker) ja inspektor Lee (Jackie Chan) tegutsevad jälle, sedapuhku aga Pariisis. Meeste missiooniks on nurjata ülemaailmne kuritegelik vandenõu ja päästa vana sõbra elu. Asja segavateks faktoriteks on aga nimelt tõsiasjad, et mehed ei oska ei kohalikku keelt, ei tunne linna ja veel vähem on neil aimu pariislaste igapäevakommetest.


Palja relvaga

Palja relvaga 1988


Tema majesteet Elizabeth II tahab Los Angelese linna külastada. See võrdub loomulikult katastroofiga kui selgub, et vastuvtõtukomitee esimees võib olla narkokaupmees ja mõrvar. Selline juhtum nõuab superpolitseinik Frank Drebini abi. Hoogsalt asub ta sündmuseid uurima ja jätab endast maha kaose raja. Juhuslikult avastab ta, et kuningannat tahetakse tappa, kuid keegi ei võta tema hoiatusi tõsiselt. Nüüd tuleb päästa kuninganna ja tekitada veel kaost.


Mehed mustas

Mehed mustas 1997


Politseinik liitub salajase organisatsiooniga, mis jälgib ja kontrollib maaväliste suhtlustegevusi Maal.


Pahad poisid 2

Pahad poisid 2 2003


Selles uues seikluses on Miami narkodetektiivid Mike Lowrey (Will Smith) ja Marcus Burnett (Martin Lawrence) määratud kuuluma kõrgtehnoloogia meeskonda, kes üritab paljastada Miamis ekstaasi kujundamise süžeed. Kuid nad paljastavad alateadlikult surmava vandenõu halastamatule uimastivalitsejale Johnny Tapiale (Jordi Mollà), kes on otsustanud oma impeeriumi laiendada ja võtta linna uimastiäri üle kontrolli, tappes igaüks, kes talle korda läheb. Olukorra halvendamiseks satub Marcuse kaunis õde, DEA varjatud esindaja Syd (Gabrielle Union) risttulesse, sundides meie kangelasi seaduma end seaduse serva. Kõik muutub veelgi keerukamaks, kui Amor hakkab lendama üle Mike ja Syd, provotseerides oma kaitsjavenna viha.


21 Jump Street

21 Jump Street 2012


Märulikomöödias "21 Jump Street" kavatsevad Schmidt ja Jenko oma noorukieaprobleemid selja taha jätta. Nad lähevad tööle politseisse, salajasse Jump Streeti üksusesse. Nende nooruslik välimus on hea kattevari ja nii saadetakse nad kohalikku keskkooli salatööle. Relvad ja ametimärgid vahetatakse koolikottide vastu, et uurida vägivaldset ning ohtlikku narkovõrgustikku. Keskkool pole aga kaugeltki selline, mille semud mõne aasta eest lõpetasid. Kumbki ei arvanud, et neil tuleb uuesti rinda pista pubekaea hirmude, ängi ja probleemidega, mis olid nende jaoks juba unustatud teema. Põhineb Patrick Hasburgh ja Stephen J. Cannell'i poolt loodud telesarjal, millega on kõvasti kuulsust kogunud Johhny Depp, kes astub filmis üles episoodilises rollis.


Head tüübid

Head tüübid 2016


Filmi tegevus leiab aset Los Angeleses 1970. aastatel. Edutu eradetektiiv Holland March ja löömamees Jackson Healy peavad üheskoos lahendama kadunud tüdruku juhtumi ja pealtnäha sellest eraldiseisva pornotähe surmaloo. Juurdluse käigus paljastavad nad šokeeriva vandenõu, mis viib võimuladvikuni välja.


Mehed mustas 2

Mehed mustas 2 2002


Pärast Agent K (Tommy Lee Jones) pensionile jäämist ei pea agent J (Will Smith) tema tööd samaks: Mõlemad olid osa salaorganismist, mis võitleb tulnukate vastu, kes asustavad ilma ülejäänud surelikud seda teadmata maa. Mustanahaliste meeste missioon, nagu nad on tuntud oma riietuse järgi, on mõnikord korra kehtestamine ja muul ajal võitlus otse nende vastu, kellel on pretensioone planeedi Maa kahjustamiseks. Kuid agent K otsustas oma naise juurde naasmiseks ja normaalse elu elamiseks mälu kaotada. Nüüd pole naist, kuid ta on lahkelt postiagent. Agent J, kes peab K-d oma õpetajaks, igatseb teda väga ega ole päris leplik oma uute kaaslastega. Kuid midagi muudab sündmusi: ohtlik välismaalane nimega Serleena (Lara Flynn Boyle)


Lethal Weapon

Lethal Weapon 2016


A slightly unhinged former Navy SEAL lands a job as a police officer in Los Angeles where he's partnered with a veteran detective trying to keep maintain a low stress level in his life.


Tom Stone

Tom Stone 2002


Tom Stone is a crime drama series that ran in Canada on CBC Television for two 13-episode seasons beginning in 2002. In the United States, the series is syndicated by Program Partners and Sony Pictures Television under the title Stone Undercover. It is listed on Hulu as "Stone Undercover."


Last Man: The Blind Profiler

Last Man: The Blind Profiler 2023


Minami Hiromi is an FBI agent visiting Japan from the US for a limited time. Minami lost his sight due to an accident in the past and he is called the "last man" in the FBI, referring him as the last trump card to end a case with his strong sense of analysis, smell, and touch. Godo Shintaro has been assigned to attend to Minami. From a family that has served as the Commissioner of the National Police Agency for generations, Godo has an extraordinary sense of justice and is willing to go any lengths to catch the criminals. Minami, who is always ready to ask for help, and Godo, who has never trusted anyone except himself, become a duo and work together to solve cases.


Jake and the Fatman

Jake and the Fatman 1987


Jake and the Fatman is a television crime drama starring William Conrad as prosecutor J. L. "Fatman" McCabe and Joe Penny as investigator Jake Styles. The series ran on CBS for five seasons from 1987 to 1992. Diagnosis: Murder was a spin-off of this series.


Hubert und Staller

Hubert und Staller 2011


A show about two Bavarian police officers, Franz Hubert and Johannes Staller, who sometimes work a bit differently. Where Franz wants to follow regulations, Johannes likes to do things his own way.


Scott & Bailey

Scott & Bailey 2011


D.C. Rachel Bailey and D.C. Janet Scott have a robust and engaging friendship which enables them to draw upon each other’s strengths and investigate murders for the Manchester Metropolitan Police.



Beforeigners 2019


In the near future a new phenomenon starts happening all over the world with powerful flashes of light occurring in the ocean and people from the past mysteriously reappearing. Called "beforeigners," these people come from three separate time periods: the Stone Age, the Viking era and late 19th century. A couple of years later, Alfhildr – who comes from the Viking Age – has to partner up with a burned-out police officer, Lars Haaland, to investigate the murder of a beforeigner. The pair begins to unravel a larger conspiracy behind the origin of the mysterious mass arrivals.



CHiPs 1977


Lighthearted look at the adventures of two Highway Patrol officers in Los Angeles. The main characters are Jon Baker and Frank Poncherello, two motorcycle officers always on the street to save lives.


Dalziel & Pascoe

Dalziel & Pascoe 1996


British crime drama based on the "Dalziel and Pascoe" series of books by Reginald Hill, set in the fictional Yorkshire town of Wetherton. The unlikely duo of politically incorrect elephant-in-a-china-shop-copper Detective Superintendent Andrew Dalziel (pronounced Dee-ell) and his more sensitive and university educated sidekick Detective Sargent, later Detective Inspector, Peter Pascoe is always on hand to solve the classic murder mystery, while maintaining a down to earth wit and humour.


Doubles - Futari no Keiji

Doubles - Futari no Keiji 2013


To deal with the increasing violent crime rate in the Shinjuku area of Tokyo, a special investigation team is formed at the Shinjuku Police Station. Detective Shunsuke Yamashita and Detective Keiichi Tashiro begin work at the special investigation team. Detective Shunsuke Yamashita doesn't care about details and says what he thinks. Meanwhile, Detective Keiichi Tashiro is diligent and enthusiastic with his investigative work. The two men frequently argue, but also cooperate to solve the cases.


Rush Hour

Rush Hour 2016


The series follows Detective Carter, a radical LAPD detective, and Detective Lee, a by-the-book detective from Hong Kong, as they are forced into forming an unlikely partnership


Almost Human

Almost Human 2013


The year is 2048. By mandate, every cop must partner with a robot. Detective John Kennex returns to work after waking up from a 17-month coma. As he adjusts to working with his new partner, Dorian, a discontinued android with unexpected emotional responses, John also must learn to get along with his new colleagues.


Houston Knights

Houston Knights 1987


Houston Knights is an American crime drama set in Houston, Texas. The show ran on CBS from 1987 to 1988 and had 31 episodes. The core of the show was the partnership between two very different cops from two different cultures. Chicago cop Joey LaFiamma, played by Michael Paré, is transferred to Houston after he kills a mobster from a powerful Mafia family and a contract is put out on him. Once there, he is partnered with Levon Lundy, played by Michael Beck, the grandson of a Texas Ranger. Although as different as night and day, and after a rocky beginning they form a successful partnership and become friends. This is aided to a certain extent by an event where a hitman from Chicago who holds the contract to shoot La Fiamma arrives in Houston and is ultimately killed by Lundy. During the series, it is revealed that both La Fiamma and Lundy have their own personal demons; La Fiamma's Chicago police partner had been killed when he went ahead while La Fiamma had waited for backup to arrive. Lundy's wife had been killed by an explosion that was intended to kill him.


Killer Instinct

Killer Instinct 2005


Killer Instinct is an American crime drama television series filmed in Vancouver that originally aired on the Fox Network. The pilot episode aired on September 23, 2005, and the final episode aired on December 2, 2005. Fox ordered 13 episodes, only nine of which were broadcast in the United States; the remaining four premiered in the UK on Five. The series also been broadcast in France, New Zealand, Croatia, Italy, Netherlands, Australia, Japan, and Poland.



Partners 2014


Allen Braddock and Marcus Jackson are two attorneys with very different views on the law. After getting fired from his father's prestigious firm for employing questionable tactics, Allen is forced to team up with Marcus, a self-made man always willing to fight for the people of his neighborhood, even if it doesn't mean collecting a check. When the two partner up, they take on cases that challenge their moral, personal, and ethical boundaries, but always manage to find common ground.



Fastlane 2002


Fastlane is an American action/crime drama series that was broadcast on Fox from September 18, 2002 to April 25, 2003.



Ghosted 2017


A skeptic is forced to work with a firm believer of the paranormal on unexplained occurrences in Los Angeles.


The Good Guys

The Good Guys 2010


Once upon the 1970s, Dan Stark and his partner, Frank Savage, were big-shot Dallas detectives. So big, in fact, that they were lauded as American heroes after saving the Governor's son. Thirty years later, Dan Stark is a washed-up detective who spends most of his time drunk or re-hashing his glory days. Dan's new partner, Jack Bailey, is an ambitious, by-the-book and overall good detective, but is sometimes a bit too snarky for his own good. His habit of undermining himself has earned him a dead-end position in the department, and he is stuck solving annoying petty theft cases that nobody else wants. Worse, he's been given the thankless task of babysitting Dan, the drunk pariah who can never keep partners for long.


East West 101

East West 101 2007


Zane Malik and the Major Crime Squad investigate crime and murder in all quarters of multicultural Sydney.


Alien Nation

Alien Nation 1989


Detective Matthew Sikes, a Los Angeles police officer reluctantly works with "Newcomer" alien George Francisco. Sikes also has an 'on again off again' flirtation with a female Newcomer, Cathy Frankel.