
Megameel 2010


Juba aastaid on ta püüdnud Metro Cityt igal võimalikul viisil vallutada. Iga katse on olnud kolossaalne läbikukkumine tänu keepi rüütatud superkangelasele Metromehele, võitmatule sangarile kuni päevani, mil Megameel ta järjekordset kurja plaani ellu viies Metromehe kogemata tapab. Ühtäkki pole Megemeelel enam mingit eesmärki. Ta on superpahalane ilma superkangelaseta. Megameel mõistab, et elueesmärgi saavutamine on halvim, mis temaga iial juhtunud. Ta otsustab, et ainus tee tupikust välja on luua uus superrivaal nimega Titaan, kes on suurem, parem ja tugevam kui Metromees iial oli. Titaan leiab aga varsti, et pahalane olla on hoopis lõbusam kui kangelane. Ent tema eesmärk ei ole enam maailma valitseda, vaid see hävitada. Nüüd peab Megameel otsustama: kas suudab ta purustada enda loodud põrguliku olendi? Kas maailma kõige targem mees suudab kordki õige otsuse langetada? Kas kuri geenius suudab saada heaks kangelaseks omaenda loos?


Jurassic World

Jurassic World 2015


Veidi rohkem kui kaks aastakümmet on möödas ajast, mil maailma kinodesse tormas Steven Spielbergi "Jurassic Park". See legendaarne film rääkis teadlaste katsest avada loomaaed, mille asukaiks eelajaloolised saurused. Alles nüüd saame esmakordselt näha dinosauruste parki just sellisena, nagu seda 1993. aasta filmis avada ei suudetud. Ekstsentrilise miljardäri John Hammondi unistus on nüüdseks teostunud ja tuhanded külastajad uudistavad ainulaadset parki täis lendavaid ning ujuvaid lihast ja luust dinosauruseid, üks suurem ning hirmuäratavam kui teine. Sauruste enneolematutesse mõõtmetesse ja võimetesse on oma panuse lisanud teadlaste eetiliselt kaheldava väärtusega geenimanipulatsioonid. Loomulikult ei jää ka seekord emakese loodusega mängimine karistamata. Puhkeb kaos, mis seab ohtu kõigi külastajate turvalisuse - valla on pääsenud kõige ohtlikum pargiasukas...



Gattaca 1997


Tulevikus, kus inimeste karjäärivõimalused määratakse juba sündides geenianalüüsiga, ei ole loomulikul teel sündinud Vincentil lootustki kõrgele positsioonile jõuda. Ühel päeval avaneb tal võimalus kasutada autoõnnetuse tagajärjel ratastooli jäänud Jerome'i identiteeti. Peagi saavutab ta Gattaca korporatsioonis edu ja ka tema eluaegne unistus võib täituda - ta valitakse Saturnile mineva meeskonna hulka. Kuid siis tapetakse missiooni juht ja kuritööpaigast leitakse tema ripsmekarv. Missioonini on jäänud loetud päevad ja nii peab mees üha kitsamaks muutuvas testiderägastikus oma identiteeti varjama...



Häving 2018


Bioloog värvatakse ohtlikule, salajasele ekspeditsioonile salapärasesse tsooni, kus loodusseadused ei kehti.



Hulk 2003



Jurassic Park

Jurassic Park 1993


Miljonär John Hammond on hakkama saanud võimatu ettevõtmisega - tema palgatud teadlased on avastanud viisi, kuidas kloonida miljonite aastate eest välja surnud sauruseliike. Saurused paigutati üksikule saarele, kus avatakse looduspark. Enne selle avamist kutsub John sinna grupi teadlasi, et kuulda nendepoolset hinnangut. Õnnetuseks saavad saurused oma aedikutest välja ja sellest midagi head juba ei tule.



DNA 1997




Rectify 2013


After 19 years on Death Row for the rape and murder of his teenage girlfriend, Daniel Holden is going home. His conviction has been vacated due to new DNA evidence. Now he has to return to a world he no longer knows and his reentry into the outside world may be as unforgiving as prison. Daniel is haunted by the past, dogged by the present, and uncertain of the future. As he struggles to adapt to his new life, his homecoming reignites the fears of a small town and threatens to shatter his family’s fragile peace. Daniel’s alleged crime divided a community. Will his freedom tear it in half?


Lauren Lake's Paternity Court

Lauren Lake's Paternity Court 2013


Judge Lauren Lake hears cases involving not only questions of paternity, but also many types of stories involving DNA.


Finding Your Roots

Finding Your Roots 2012


Noted Harvard scholar Henry Louis Gates, Jr. has been helping people discover long-lost relatives hidden for generations within the branches of their family trees. Professor Gates utilizes a team of genealogists to reconstruct the paper trail left behind by our ancestors and the world’s leading geneticists to decode our DNA and help us travel thousands of years into the past to discover the origins of our earliest forebears.



DNA² 1994


Karin, a DNA operator from the future, is on a mission to change the course of History by stopping Junta Momonari from becoming the Mega-Playboy who fathered 100 children and led to the overpopulation of the world. But Junta is no playboy; in fact he is allergic to girls. But when Karin shoots him with the wrong DNA-altering bullet, he starts sporadically becoming the Mega-Playboy capable of charming any woman. Karin must try to restore the situation to normal before the change to Mega-Playboy becomes irreversible.


Unnatural Selection

Unnatural Selection 2019


From eradicating disease to selecting a child's traits, gene editing gives humans the chance to hack biology. Meet the real people behind the science.


Code of a Killer

Code of a Killer 2015


Based on the extraordinary true story of Alec Jeffreys' discovery of DNA fingerprinting and its first use by Detective Chief Superintendent David Baker in catching a double murderer.


Presumed Guilty

Presumed Guilty 2012


Journalist Kayama Seiji who is covering the war zone, gets shocking news that Shinozuka Yoshio, the criminal serving time for the murder of a young girl 12 years ago, is actually innocent. At that time, Kayama reported on that case. Convinced that Shinozuka was the criminal, Kayama had proceeded to write the news stories, but he is proved to be wrong after the passage of 12 years. Shinozuka's lawyer, Ishihara Yoko, holds a press conference where she criticises the sloppy investigation by the police and speaks of suing for the suffering during the 12 years that Shinozuka had lost. However, Shinozuka's daughter, Miho has mixed feelings for her father who is released from prison at this late stage.


DNA  Unknown

DNA Unknown 2009


Caroline Tensen, and later Dionne Stax, reveal hidden family sorrows in gooey stories. is my father my real father? Are my brothers related? Great doubts and unanswered questions leave families in the dark for years. Fortunately, there is a DNA test, which 'conclusively' establishes whether there are family ties. That is so clear. The test puts an end to a life full of ambiguities once and for all.


All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace

All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace 2011


We have been colonised by the machines we have built. Although we don't realise it, the way we see everything in the world today is through the eyes of the computers.


The Genetic Detective

The Genetic Detective 2020


Investigative genetic genealogist CeCe Moore uses her unique research skills to transform the face of crime solving. By working with police departments and crime scene DNA, Moore is able to trace the path of a violent criminal's family tree to reveal their identity and help bring them to justice.


Born from the Same Stranger

Born from the Same Stranger 2024


Everyone born from a donor might have siblings they had no idea existed, who were born from the same stranger. Here, a man gets instant results putting his DNA on websites.


Home Sweet Homicide

Home Sweet Homicide 2019


When a killer wants you dead, there's one place to search: home sweet home. With the twist of a lock, your home should be your sanctuary. For some, it becomes a hunting ground - and no lock, security system or call to 911 will save them.


The Gene Code

The Gene Code 2011


Dr Adam Rutherford explores the consequences of one of the biggest scientific projects of all time - the decoding of the entire human genome.