
Arminägu 1983


1980. aastal Kuubalt Ameerika Ühendriikidesse saabunud immigrant Tony Montana loodab leida uut ja paremat elu. Mõneti see tal õnnestubki, kuid tõus kuritegelikus maailmas tuleb vägivalla, armutu julmuse ja paljude ohvritega. Tonyt tagant kihutavad kärsitus ja ahnus aitavad tal tõusta Miami narkoäri tippu. Kuid võitlus ei lõpe tippu jõudmisega - saavutatud positsiooni tuleb iga hinna eest kaitsta.


Pahad poisid 2

Pahad poisid 2 2003


Selles uues seikluses on Miami narkodetektiivid Mike Lowrey (Will Smith) ja Marcus Burnett (Martin Lawrence) määratud kuuluma kõrgtehnoloogia meeskonda, kes üritab paljastada Miamis ekstaasi kujundamise süžeed. Kuid nad paljastavad alateadlikult surmava vandenõu halastamatule uimastivalitsejale Johnny Tapiale (Jordi Mollà), kes on otsustanud oma impeeriumi laiendada ja võtta linna uimastiäri üle kontrolli, tappes igaüks, kes talle korda läheb. Olukorra halvendamiseks satub Marcuse kaunis õde, DEA varjatud esindaja Syd (Gabrielle Union) risttulesse, sundides meie kangelasi seaduma end seaduse serva. Kõik muutub veelgi keerukamaks, kui Amor hakkab lendama üle Mike ja Syd, provotseerides oma kaitsjavenna viha.



Dredd 2012


Tuleviku Ameerika kujutab endast trööstitut kõnnumaad, mille idarannikul laiub Bostonist Washingtonini Mega City 1 – tohutu, vägivaldne metropol, mille kaootilistel tänavatel valitsevad kurjategijad. Ainsateks seadusesilmadeks on politseinikud, keda kutsutakse Kohtunikeks. Neile antud volitustega on selle üksuse liikmed ühekorraga nii kohtunikeks, vandemeesteks kui ka timukateks. Kohtunike seast kardetuim on Dredd (Karl Urban), kelle ülesandeks on vabastada linn uusimast nuhtlusest, milleks on epideemia mõõtmed võtnud uus uimasti "Slo-Mo", mis paneb tarbija kogema reaalsust 100 korda aeglasemalt. Selleks alustab Dredd armutut võitlust endisest prostituudist julma narkokuninganna Ma-Ma'ga (Lena Headey), kelle kindluseks on 200-korruseline "vertikaalne slumm", millest reeglina isegi Kohtunikud eemale hoiavad. Aga mitte Dredd...


Pablo Escobar: The Drug Lord

Pablo Escobar: The Drug Lord 2012


Pablo is a man with a natural ability for business. Early in his life, Pablo is introduced to the business of cocaine and the power it yields. A young life of crime lands Pablo in and out of jail as he builds his criminal empire. Pablo expands his power through politics but it is not long before his conflicts as a Congressman and a drug lord collide. Pablo has his enemies executed, but not before the United States activates its own war on the Medellin cartel.


El Señor de los Cielos

El Señor de los Cielos 2013


Set in the 1990s, these are the life and times of Amado Carrillo Fuentes, a man who became the head of the Juárez cartel. Nicknamed “El Señor de los Cielos” (Lord of the Skies) because of the large fleet of airplanes he used to transport drugs, he was also known for washing more than $200 million through Colombia to finance his huge fleet. He is described as the most powerful drug trafficker of his time.


El Chapo

El Chapo 2017


A look at the life of notorious drug kingpin, El Chapo, from his early days in the 1980s working for the Guadalajara Cartel, to his rise to power of during the '90s and his ultimate downfall in 2016.


The Worst of Evil

The Worst of Evil 2023


Set in the 1980s, a husband and wife, both detectives, infiltrate a massive criminal organization responsible for the illegal drug trade between Korea, China, and Japan.



Narco-Saints 2022


An ordinary entrepreneur joins a secret government mission to capture a Korean drug lord operating in South America.



BMF 2021


The drug trafficking drama is inspired by the true story of two brothers who rose from the decaying streets of southwest Detroit in the late 1980s and gave birth to one of the most influential crime families in the country. It revolves around brothers Demetrius "Big Meech" Flenory and Terry "Southwest T" Flenory, who together took their vision beyond the drug trade and into the world of hip-hop. The drama, per Starz, will tell a story about love, family and capitalism in the pursuit of the American dream.


En la Boca del Lobo

En la Boca del Lobo 2014


Based on a true story and the book, At the Devil's Table: The Untold Story of the Insider Who Brought Down the Cali Cartel by award-winning investigative reporter William C. Rempel, En la Boca del Lobo follows the series of events that ultimately lead to the dramatic downfall of Colombia’s infamous Cali drug cartel. The story centers on Ricardo Salgado, an engineer and soldier who rises ranks and became in charge of the security of the godfather of the Cali Cartel, one of the largest criminal organizations in the world and rival of the Medellin Cartel.


The Shadow Line

The Shadow Line 2011


A murder is investigated by both sides of the line, cops and criminals, using opposing methods. But the real line is the morality within each person and how far they will go before they cross it.



Powder 2010


Powder is an Indian crime television series which first aired on Sony TV January 3, 2010 and ran for one season. The story is of the new scenario in substance abuse - a generation embracing drugs. Powder an insight of the durg lord, Naved Ansari, and an honest team of Narotics Control Bureau led by Usmaan Malik IRS who plans to nab Ansari before he can hoodwink the system into letting him go scott free.