
Tähtedevaheline 2014


Tulevik, valitsused ja majandus kogu maailmas on kokku varisenud, toitu napib, NASAt ei ole enam - süüdistada saab vaid 20. sajandit. Salapärane rebend aegruumis avaneb ning NASA - või mis iganes sellest järele on jäänud - ülesandeks saab uurida ja pakkuda inimkonnale uut lootust.



Häving 2018


Bioloog värvatakse ohtlikule, salajasele ekspeditsioonile salapärasesse tsooni, kus loodusseadused ei kehti.


Rahvuslik aare

Rahvuslik aare 2004


Aardekütt Benjamin Franklin Gates on pühendanud oma elu legendaarse Knights Templar aarde leidmisele, mis on kõigi aegade kõige uskumatum loom ja peidetud kusagile Ameerikasse. Gates'i pere liikmed otsisid seitsme põlvkonna vältel Ameerika asutajate poolt jäetud vihjeid ja aarde otsimisel rändasid nad igasse riigi nurka. Nüüd on maverick Ben lõpuks avastanud lõpliku vihje, mis viib ta aardeni: iseseisvusdeklaratsiooni tagaküljele peidetud kaardi. Kaardi olemasolu on Gates'i suure konkurendi Ian Howe tähelepanu all ja Ben seisab silmitsi raske dilemmaga: kas ta on esimene, kes varastab Ameerika tähtsaima dokumendi, mida kaitseb maailma keerukaim turvasüsteem, või ta laseb sellel sattuda eriti ohtlikesse kätesse.


Anakondad: Jaht vereorhideedele

Anakondad: Jaht vereorhideedele 2004


Teaduslik ekspeditsioon liitub võimsa ravimifirma rühmaga, et otsida haruldane must orhidee, mis õitseb Borneo saare sügavas džunglis. Huvi selle lille vastu on tingitud asjaolust, et see sisaldab võimsat ainet, mis hoiab igavese nooruse saladusi, isegi surematust. Kuid nad avastavad peagi, et orhideed kasutavad hiiglaslikud maod, et suurendada selle suurust ja elujõudu.


The Terror

The Terror 2018


A chilling anthology series featuring stories of people in terrifying situations inspired by true historical events.


The Lost World

The Lost World 1999


Early 20th-century adventurers find themselves fighting for survival after their hot-air balloon crashes into a remote part of the Amazon, stranding them on a prehistoric plateau.


Ultramarine Magmell

Ultramarine Magmell 2019


One day in the middle of the pacific ocean a miracle occurred, a new continent appeared out of nowhere! The new continent was the home for new and mysterious plants, creatures and minerals! Humanity is excited as the age of exploration has returned.


Globo Repórter

Globo Repórter 1973


This show addresses issues related to the Brazilian way of life, highlighting matters such as health, education, work and nature.



D'Iberville 1967


D'Iberville is a Canadian dramatic adventure television series which aired on Radio-Canada in 1967 and 1968, and on CBC Television's English network from 1968 to 1969.


Lost Land of the Volcano

Lost Land of the Volcano 2009


An international team of scientists, cavers and wildlife filmmakers venture deep into the heart of the remote tropical island of New Guinea.


La Cloche tibétaine

La Cloche tibétaine 1974


Miniseries about the Citroen expeditions in 1931/1932 across Asia.


Expedition from Hell: The Lost Tapes

Expedition from Hell: The Lost Tapes 2024


Mickey Grosman, a former special forces demolitions expert took a group of amateur adventurers on a nearly impossible journey across South America. Positioned as a charity trek for cancer awareness, participants were to be part of a 5,000-mile expedition across the continent through the deepest parts of the Amazon jungle. Only one claims to have made it to the end… Mickey Grosman.


Expedition Volcano

Expedition Volcano 2017


Chris Jackson, Xand Van Tulleken and Aldo Kane take part in an extraordinary expedition to one of the world's most dangerous, spectacular and least known volcanoes.


The Dark: Nature's Nighttime World

The Dark: Nature's Nighttime World 2012


A new perspective on wildlife at night. A team of biologists and specialist camera crew explore the length of South and Central America to find out how animals have adapted to life in the dark.



Oceans 2008


Oceans is an eight-part series on BBC Two, which seeks to provide a better understanding of the state of the Earth's oceans today, their role in the past, present and future and their significance in global terms. Paul Rose also documents some of the scientific observations his team made as a feature for BBC News.


Wild Burma: Nature's Lost Kingdom

Wild Burma: Nature's Lost Kingdom 2013


For the first time in over 50 years, a team of wildlife film-makers and scientists has been granted access to venture deep into Burma's impenetrable jungles. Their mission is to discover whether these forests are home to iconic animals, rapidly disappearing from the rest of the world - this expedition has come not a moment too soon.


Lost Land of the Tiger

Lost Land of the Tiger 2010


Documentary following a team of big cat experts and wildlife filmmakers as they embark upon a dramatic expedition searching for tigers hidden in the Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan.


The Brigade: Race to the Hudson

The Brigade: Race to the Hudson 2019


Ten strangers unite to conquer a grueling 750 miles cross-country wilderness expedition that pushes bodies and minds to the extreme. They’ll paddle, portage, and hike through treacherous waterways and unforgiving terrain across the York Factory Express, an historic fur trade route legendary for its danger, isolation and beauty, with only 28 days to complete their journey.


Tjukken & Lillemor

Tjukken & Lillemor 2015


Truls Svendsen & Cecilie Skog will travel the world with a lot of humour. Will they manage to reach their goal?


Lost Land of the Jaguar

Lost Land of the Jaguar 2008


Series combining stunning wildlife with high octane adventure. A team of explorers search the depths of the last great unspoilt jungle on the planet.


Expedition Borneo

Expedition Borneo 2007


Wildlife adventure series following a team of explorers in the heart of the tropical island of Borneo.