
Lind 2024


12-aastane Bailey (karismaatiline debütant Nykiya Adams) elab koos isa Bugiga (Barry Keoghan järjekordse õõvastava brutaalina) äärelinnas. Kui isa teatab tütrele, et tal on plaanis oma uue tüdruksõbraga abielluda, tekivad noores tüdrukus vastuolulised tunded ja tüdruk seisab silmitsi uue eluga. Kui Bailey kohtub juhuslikult Linnu nimelise mehega (Franz Rogowski), siis tõuseb see klassivõitluse, seksismi ja üksinduse draama kaunisse maagilisse realismi, mille keskmes on noore tüdruku kasv teismeliseks naiseks.


Kapten Ameerika: Kodusõda

Kapten Ameerika: Kodusõda 2016


Pärast filmi "Tasujad: Ultroni ajastu" sündmusi on üle maailma valitsused üksmeelselt jõustanud akti, mille eesmärk on reguleerida ja piirata igasugused üliinimlikud tegevused. See aga hakkab Tasujate seas tekitama pingelisi erimeelsusi, mis lööb Kapten Ameerika ja Raudmehe vahele suure vaenukiilu. Niisamuti hakkab ka teiste kangelaste seas tekkima kaks fraktsiooni - kes on selle akti poolt, nagu Raudmees ja kes mitte, nagu Kapten Ameerika.


Sild Terabithiasse

Sild Terabithiasse 2007


Viienda klassi poiss Jesse Aaron (Josh Hutcherson) treenib kogu suve, et pääseda klassi heidiku staatusest ja saada kiireks jooksjaks. Ootamatult sõbruneb Jesse värskelt nende kooli tulnud Lesliega (AnnaSophia Robb), kellega nad loovad koos fantaasiarikka ning salajase Terabithia kuningriigi. Poiss aga ei oska arvatagi, et tänu Leslie sõprusele muutub ta elu igaveseks.


Exodus: Jumalad ja kuningad

Exodus: Jumalad ja kuningad 2014


Meisterlavastaja Ridley Scott ("Gladiaator", "Prometheus", "Tulnukas") toob vaatajate ette eepilise seiklusfilmi “Exodus: Jumalad ja kuningad”. See on lugu mehest, kes julgeb hakata vastu tervele impeeriumile. Seninägematute eriefektide abil äratab Scott ellu loo trotslikust juhist Moosesest (Christian Bale), kes hakkab vastu oma kasuvennale, Egiptuse vaaraole Ramsesele (Joel Edgerton), viies 600 000 orja monumentaalsele teekonnale, eemale Egiptusest ja seda tabavatest surmavatest nuhtlustest.



Purunematu 2000


David Dunn (Bruce Willis) on ainuke inimene, kes pääseb eluga ligi 200 inimese elu nõudnud rongiõnnetusest ja tal ei ole ühtegi kriimu. Kas see oli lihtsalt juhus või on ta purunematu? See küsimus vaevad Davidit ja ka ta lähedasi, kuid vastus tuleb sealt, kus seda kõige vähem oodata on. Salapärane võõras Elijah Price (Samuel L. Jackson) pakub sündmuste kummalisele käigule uskumatu lahenduse, mis ähvardab Davidi elu igaveseks muuta.


Nähtamatu mees

Nähtamatu mees 2020


Kui Cecilia vägivaldne eksmees võtab endalt elu ja jätab talle oma varanduse kahtlustab naine, et tema surm oli pettus. Kuna mitmed kokkulangevused muutuvad surmavaks, püüab Cecilia tõestada, et teda kütib keegi keda keegi ei näe.


Los Angelese räpased saladused

Los Angelese räpased saladused 1997


Pärast öist veresauna, mille käigus hukkuvad ühe kohviku külastajad, asuvad kolm politseinikku juhtumit uurima. Igaüks neist eri kaalutlustel. Ka nad ise on kõik väga erinevad. Ed Exley on eeskujulik politseinik, kes seisab oma isa varjus; Bud White on vägivaldne ja ei võta reegleid eriti tõsiselt; Jack Vincennes näeb politseitöös teed kuulsuseni ja korraldab vahistamiste ajaks ka ajakirjanduse kohale.



House 2004


Dr. Gregory House, a drug-addicted, unconventional, misanthropic medical genius, leads a team of diagnosticians at the fictional Princeton–Plainsboro Teaching Hospital in New Jersey.


Swallowed Star

Swallowed Star 2020


On the Earth, a catastrophe triggered the variation of all kinds of species. The superior survived and the inferior were extinct. Under this circumstance, Luo Feng inherited from the owner of Yunmo Star and became one of the three strongest people on the Earth. He lost his flesh during the fight against giant swallowed monster but then he took the flesh of the monster. In the flesh, he developed a human body. Later, he stepped out of the Earth and headed to the universe.


BoJack Horseman

BoJack Horseman 2014


Meet the most beloved sitcom horse of the '90s , 20 years later. He's a curmudgeon with a heart of...not quite gold...but something like gold. Copper?


Steven Universe

Steven Universe 2013


A young boy takes his mother's place in a group of gemstone-based beings, and must learn to control his powers.


Su Ji and U Ri

Su Ji and U Ri 2024


A healing romance begins between fallen star doctor Jin Su Ji and stubborn newbie doctor Choi U Ri.



Fuzue 2023


The department store Fuzue, specialized in popular items, is a success led by Nero Braga e Silva. Little does he know that the store's grounds have hidden relics for over 300 years.


48 Hours

48 Hours 1988


This newsmagazine series investigates intriguing crime and justice cases that touch on all aspects of the human experience. Over its long run, the show has helped exonerate wrongly convicted people, driven the reopening — and resolution — of cold cases, and changed numerous lives. CBS News correspondents offer an in-depth look into each story, with the emphasis on solving the mystery at its heart.


The Defiant Ones

The Defiant Ones 2017


A four-part documentary series that tells the stories of Jimmy Iovine and Dr. Dre -- one the son of a Brooklyn longshoreman, the other straight out of Compton - -- and their improbable partnership and surprising leading roles in a series of transformative events in contemporary culture.



Insecure 2016


Follows the awkward experiences and racy tribulations of a modern-day African-American woman.


The Sandman

The Sandman 2022


After years of imprisonment, Morpheus — the King of Dreams — embarks on a journey across worlds to find what was stolen from him and restore his power.



Cross 2024


Alex Cross is a brilliant but flawed homicide detective and full of contradictions. A doting father and family man, Cross is single-minded to the point of obsession when he hunts killers. He is desperate for love, but his wife’s murder has left him too damaged to receive it.


Interview with the Vampire

Interview with the Vampire 2022


Louis de Pointe's epic story of love, blood, and the perils of immortality, as told to the journalist Daniel Molloy. Chafing at the limitations of life as a black man in 1900s New Orleans, Louis finds it impossible to resist the rakish Lestat De Lioncourt's offer of the ultimate escape: joining him as his vampire companion.


Wise Man's Grandchild

Wise Man's Grandchild 2019


In the modern world, a lonely man dies and reincarnates in another world. Rescued as a baby from a tragedy by a brilliant sage named Merlin, the baby is raised as “Shin Walford,” and undergoes training in both magic and martial arts to kill the monsters that ravage the land. At 15 years old, Shin has become shockingly powerful. But his grandfather Merlin has forgotten to teach him the common sense of this world. As a result, Shin enrolls in the kingdom's Magic Academy to hone his skills and mature among other teenagers. However, living a normal life is impossible, as he is established as a local celebrity almost as soon as he arrives. This story follows Shin Walford's high school life in the capital as he makes new friends, learns about the world, and fights off the various forces of evil surrounding him and his city.


Dirty John

Dirty John 2018


Anthology series in which each season is based on a true crime story featuring an epic tale of love gone wrong.


Fawlty Towers

Fawlty Towers 1975


Owner Basil Fawlty, his wife Sybil, a chambermaid Polly, and Spanish waiter Manuel attempt to run their hotel amidst farcical situations and an array of demanding guests.


It's a Sin

It's a Sin 2021


A chronicle of five friends during a decade in which everything changed, including the rise of AIDS.