Märksõna Opera
Maria 2024
Amadeus 1984
Baleriin 2016
Tütarlaps nimega Félicie kasvab ilma vanemateta. Ta unistab tulevikust balletitantsijana. Koos oma noorest leiutajast parima sõbra Victoriga põgeneb Félicie orbudekodust imelisse Pariisi. Neiut ootab ees raske teekond pääsemaks õppima balletikooli. Félicie peab pingutama ja end ületama, et jõuda oma unistuseni tantsida Pariisi ooperiteatri suurel laval.
Moonstruck 1987
Suur jalutuskäik 1966
Kui liitlasvägede lennuk sakslaste poolt alla tulistatakse, suudavad nad end langevarjudega päästa. Kahjuks napib Pariisis sobivaid maandumisplatse ja nii avastab üks inglane end loomaaiast, teine langeb praktiliselt maalrile sülle ja kolmas maandub ooperimaja katusele. Nüüd peavad nad esmalt üksteist üles otsima ning siis leidma väljapääsu okupeeritud Prantsusmaalt. Seejuures saavad nad abi prantsuse tsiviilisikutelt.
Aria 1987
Evensong 1934
Phantom of the Opera 1943
The Climax 1944
A Night at the Opera 1935
Farinelli 1994
Serenade 1956
This is Opera 2015
An exploration of opera in unconventional ways attempting to attract not just existing opera fans, but also those less familiar with the art form. The host guides the viewer to the places of origin of each opera, and explores the culture, history—and modern and current trends and how they apply to opera.
The Genius of Mozart 2004
Looks at Mozart's extraordinary short life and revolutionary music through a distinctive mix of costume drama and documentary.
The Phantom of the Opera 1990
The Phantom of the Opera is a 1990 NBC two-part drama television miniseries. It is adapted from Arthur Kopit's book for his then-unproduced stage musical Phantom, which is based loosely on Gaston Leroux's novel.
Òpera en Texans 2011
Graines d'étoiles 2013
The Sound and the Syllable 2024
Sarah is a young autistic woman with an extraordinary ability for lyrical singing. She begins taking lessons with renowned soprano Leonor Delise, but there is tension in the relationship. Sarah will learn to turn her silences into emotions; Leonor will have to restore her faith in humanity and reconcile with her daughter. Music will be the bond that transforms their lives.
The House 1996
A behind-the-scenes look at the Royal Opera House.
Paris & Nicole: The Encore 2024
More than 20 years since OG reality icons Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie first took the world by storm, the life-long friends reunite in a new special. Follow the dynamic duo as they try to produce a once-in-a-lifetime operatic performance based on their self-coined phrase, "Sanasa."
Lucy Worsley's Nights at the Opera 2017
For centuries in western culture, opera has been the greatest show on earth. Historian Lucy Worsley explores how history and opera go hand in hand. She visits the great European cities where some of the most famous operas were written, tells the stories of the colourful characters who composed them, and shows how they reflected the turbulent times they were composed in and the lives, hopes and fears of the people who lived in them. Whilst Lucy visits the cities and European opera houses, Antonio Pappano, music director of London's Royal Opera, helps us understand some of those operas' greatest musical moments.
Great Performances at the Met 2007
The Metropolitan Opera and PBS have joined forces to create a new series of live opera performances.