Aviaator - valguses ja varjus

Aviaator - valguses ja varjus 2004


Biograafia mitmetahulisest Howard Hughesist, kes pärandas oma isa ettevõttelt raha, et kolida Hollywoodi, kus ta kogus suure varanduse. Ta oli 1930ndatel ja 40ndatel Ameerika kino üks silmapaistvamaid produtsente, alustades karjääri nagu Jean Harlow ja temast sai RKO Radio Pictures omanik. Hughes oli lisaks produtsendile aga ka tunnustatud tööstur ja ärimees, kellel oli ka oma tähtsus lennunduse maailmas.


Flying Heavy Metal

Flying Heavy Metal 2005


Flying Heavy Metal was a 5-part British television series produced by Ricochet and broadcast in the UK and Europe on the Discovery Channel and subsequently repeated on Discovery Wings in the UK. It was presented by commercial Boeing 757 pilot and Iron Maiden frontman, Bruce Dickinson. In the series, Bruce looked at, and often flew, a number of aircraft from across the history of commercial aviation. There were some quite surprising aerobatics done in rather large aircraft. Flying Heavy Metal is now repeated on the new channel from Discovery Networks UK called Discovery Turbo.