Põleva tütarlapse portree

Põleva tütarlapse portree 2019


18. sajandi Prantsusmaal tellitakse noorelt maalikunstnikult Mariannelt tema teadmata Héloïse pulmaportree. Seetõttu peab Marianne oma modelli päeval jälgima, et öösel temast portreed maalida. Päevast päeva saavad kaks naist lähedasemaks, kui nad jagavad Héloïse viimaseid vabadusehetki enne eelseisvaid pulmi.



Mai 2024




Elaha 2023


Elaha on noor kurdi-saksa naine, kes püüab leida tasakaalu tingimusteta perearmastuse ja isiklike ambitsioonide vahel. Kuigi ta hoolib üle kõige sõbrannadega mõnusalt äraolemisest ja noorema venna eest hoolitsemisest, peab ta võitlema patriarhaadi vastu, jäädes samal ajal täiuslikuks tütreks. Lõpuks peab ta otsustama, kas rääkida tõtt või elada pettekujutelmas.


Vengeance of the Bride

Vengeance of the Bride 2022


The story of a woman who becomes the daughter-in-law of an enemy for desperate revenge.


Astrid et Raphaëlle

Astrid et Raphaëlle 2020


Astrid Nielsen works in the library of the judicial police. She has Asperger's syndrome. With an incredible memory, she excels at analyzing files of ongoing investigations. The district commander decides to use it to the fullest, entrusting her with very complex investigations which have remained unsolved to date.


On Becoming a God in Central Florida

On Becoming a God in Central Florida 2019


In the early 1990s, a recently widowed, impoverished Orlando water park employee schemes and cons her way up the ranks of the multi-billion dollar pyramid scheme which ruined her financially in the first place.


These Thems

These Thems 2020


After realizing she may be a lesbian, Gretchen quickly befriends non binary dog walker Vero, who decides to stop training dogs and start training the straights. Vero takes Gretchen under their wing and introduces Gretchen to the queer world as she navigates what it's like to be newly out at the age of 30. Vero's childhood friend, Asher, isn't out as trans at work and is faced with the decision to out himself when an opportunity for a LGBTQ account pops up. Gretchen's gay best friend and roommate, Kevin, is looking for love and may have found it in Asher. We follow our four main characters through their lives in New York City as they navigate their world with an intersectional cast of queer and straight characters.