Märksõna Climate
Keeristorm 1996
Ilmaennustaja Bill Harding (Bill Paxton) tahab oma naise käest lahutuspaberitele allkirja saada, et oma uue sõbranna, Melissaga (Jami Gertz), õnnelikuks saada. Kuid kahjuks on Jo (Helen Hunt) parajasti tööl. Koos oma kolleegidega jahib ta tornaadosid, et katsetada uut mõõtmisvahendit, mis võimaldaks hiljem tornaadode teket ja liikumist täpsemalt ette ennustada. Olude sunnil liituvad Bill, kes veel mõni aeg tagasi ise osa sellest meeskonnast oli, ja Melissa tornaadojahtijatega. Esimesed keerised ei lase end kaua oodata ja tekib olukordi, kus jahtijatest saavad jahitavad.
The 11th Hour 2007
Ice on Fire 2019
Kiss the Ground 2020
Paris to Pittsburgh 2018
Elementa 2020
Mergui 2018
There's No Tomorrow 2012
The Storm 2009
The Storm is a 2009 American science fiction disaster miniseries directed by Bradford May. Based on a previous teleplay by Matthew Chernov and David Rosiak, it was written by David Abramowitz and Dennis A. Pratt and revolves around a weather creation system developed by the Atmospheric Research Institute that threatens life on Earth when deployed by the military. However, while scientist Dr. Jonathan Kirk, Danni Wilson, and detectives Devon Williams and Stilman attempt to save the world, the former is hunted by hitmen. The first part of the film was broadcast on the NBC network July 26, 2009. The second part was broadcast on August 2, 2009.
Ice 2011
It is 2020. The destructive effects of global warming cause unimaginable devastation and panic worldwide. The human race finds itself contemplating the dawn of a new ice age.
Fight for Planet A: Our Climate Challenge 2020
Craig Reucassel takes on a climate challenge to reduce our carbon emissions and understand where our energy comes from, how transport and travel emissions affect our health and just what is the carbon footprint of the things we eat?