WALL·E 2008


Aasta on 2700 ning maakera on pilgeni täidetud igasuguse rämpsu ja prahiga. Et emake Maa jälle elamiskõlblikuks muuta, lahkus inimkond planeedilt ning jättis koristama miljoneid väikeseid roboteid. Koristusprogramm aga luhtus ning alles jäi ainult üks pisike robot, WALL·E. WALL·E veedabki oma päevi tehes seda, milleks ta loodi. Kuid kui Maale saadetakse progressi uurimiseks sond veel ühe väikse robotiga, leiab WALL·E oma elu armastuse.


Simpsonite film

Simpsonite film 2007


Uskumatu on saanud tõeks. Äsja oma 20ndat sünnipäeva tähistanud maailmakuulus Simpsonite perekond saabub esimest korda suurele kinoekraanile. Seekord peavad Springfieldi linnakeses elav kirju seltskond seisma silmitsi suuremat sorti katastroofiga, mille on käima lükanud ei keegi muu, kui üle kõige sõõrikutest lugu pidav Homer. Nüüd peab mees, kes varem on harjunud üksnes sohval lebama ja Moe kõrtsis õlut kulistama, end tõsiselt kätte võtma, et ära hoida kõiki linnaelanikke ähvardav katastroof ja päästa ka oma perekond. Kuidas see tal aga õnnestub?


The Wombles

The Wombles 1973


The Wombles is a stop motion animated British television series made in 1973–1975. After the first Wombles book, published in 1968, was featured on the BBC children's television programme Jackanory, the BBC commissioned producer FilmFair to create a television series of the books. The series was produced by Graham Clutterbuck and directed by Ivor Wood using stop-motion. The characters were all voiced by actor Bernard Cribbins. Sets and model making were by Barry Leith. Two series of 30 five minute episodes were produced, with the first series airing in 1973, animated by Ivor Wood, and the second in 1975, animated by Barry Leith. In all, sixty episodes were produced. The original television series was regularly screened for many years. After FilmFair was acquired by the Canadian company Cinar Films in 1996, a new series of episodes was created, with a number of new Womble characters. In the UK, the series was purchased by ITV.



Wasteland 2022


Examine the terrible impact waste is having on America's waterways and the challenges people must overcome to preserve their health.