Ristiisa 2

Ristiisa 2 1974


Jätkub eepiline “Ristiisa” triloogia Corleonede perekonna võimuvõitlusest läbi kahe põlvkonna. Teises osas põimuvad kaks lugu, mis kajastavad nii esimesele filmile eelnevaid kui ka järgnevaid sündmusi. Üks kujutab Sitsiiliast pärit don Vito tõusu New Yorgi maffiaperekonna peaks. Teine osa keskendub sellele, kuidas Vito poeg, Michael, perekonna äri 50nendatel juhib ning lisaks Las Vegases ja Kuubas kanda üritab kinnitada.


Shrek Kolmas

Shrek Kolmas 2007


Fionaga abielludes polnud Shrekil aimugi, et seetõttu peab ta ühel päeval võibolla kuningaks hakkama. Kui Shreki äiapapa, kuningas Harold korraga lahkub, ootab teda just see au. Välja arvatud juhul, kui Shrek (koos oma ustavate kaaslaste Eesli ja Saabastega Kassiga) leiaks enda asemele sobiva kuninga. Kõige lubavam kandidaat oleks Fiona nõbu Artie, keskkoolis õppiv ebakuninglik hädavares, kellest väärilise troonipärija kasvatamine näib olevat üks raskemaid ülesandeid, millega Shrek ja sõbrad eales silmitsi seisnud on.


Blade Runner

Blade Runner 1982


On 2019. aasta Los Angeles - kahvatu neoonvalgustatud, ülerahvastatud tänavatega linn, kus pidevalt sajab happevihma. Detektiiv Rick Deckard peab tabama ja hävitama 4 replikanti, tehislikult loodud inimest, kes põgenesid maavälisest kolooniast, kaaperdades laeva, et tulla maa peale oma loojat otsima.


Intervjuu vampiiriga: vampiiri kroonika

Intervjuu vampiiriga: vampiiri kroonika 1994


Vampiir nimega Louis (Brad Pitt) räägib enda eluloost, mis sai alguse mitusada aastat tagasi. Ta oli puuvillaistanduse omanik, kes elas raskesti üle enda naise surma. Ühel õhtul kohtas ta vampiiri nimega Lestate (Tom Cruise), kes pakkus talle igavest elu. Meeleheitel Louis võttis pakkumise vastu ja temast sai vampiir. Elu vampiirina ei ole aga nii kerge, kui see algul tunduda võis.


Twin Peaks. Tuli, kõnni minuga

Twin Peaks. Tuli, kõnni minuga 1992


Laura Palmer elab kaksiselu: avalikkusele kehastab ta korralikku kooliõpilast, tegelikult aga teeb narkootikume ning kehastub öö varjus nümfomaani kalduvustega peoloomaks. Lisaks tundub tüdruku kodus olevat asi käest ära ning tema ja ta isa Lelandi vahel tundub olevat enamat, kui sünnis oleks. Leland tundub aeg-ajalt muunduvat hirmuäratavaks vaimolendiks Bobiks, kes Laural luupainajana külas käib.


Doktor Uni

Doktor Uni 2019


Jätkub Danny Torrance’i lugu. Dan pole siiani lapsena Overlookis läbielatust üle saanud ja on näinud pisutki rahu leidmiseks palju vaeva. Kuid seda rahu ei jätku kauaks, kui ta kohtab vaprat teismelist Abrat, kel on võimas üleloomulik võime, mida kutsutakse “hiilguseks”. Abra tunnetab, et Danil on temaga sama võime, ning otsib ta üles, lootes ühiselt võidelda armutu Rose the Hati ja tema järgijate, The True Knotiga.


Marley ja mina

Marley ja mina 2008


Kui John ja Jenny Grogan'i (Owen Wilson and Jennifer Aniston) pulmaööl hakkab väljas lund sadama, otsustab vastabiellunud paar kolida Palm Beach'i Floridas. Nad jätkavad oma tööd ajakirjanikena võistlevates ajalehtedes ja hakkavad võitlema abielu eest, uue karjääri eest ja elu-muutva otsuse eest saada lapsi. Ebakindlana oma vanemlikes oskustes kurdab John oma muret sõbrale Sebastianile, kes soovitab tal kutsika võtta. John ja Jenny võtavadki endale kuldse Labradori, kes saab nimeks Marley. Kuid väga kiiresti kasvab kutsikas saja-naelaseks superenergiliseks koeraks, mis muudab Groganite kodu katastroofi alaks. Koer ei kuuletu kellelegi, närib kõikvõimalikke asju, varastab Tänupühade kalkuni, hävitab aeda, joob wc-potist vett jne. Vaatamata kõigele näeb Marley Groganite elu tõuse ja mõõnu, töö ja kodu vahetusi ning kasvavat peret.


The Haunting of Hill House

The Haunting of Hill House 2018


The Crains, a fractured family, confront haunting memories of their old home and the terrifying events that drove them from it.



Cosmos 2014


Famed astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson provides clarity for the vision of the cosmos as he voyages across the universe with never-before-told stories that delve into the scientific concepts of the laws of gravity and the origins of space and time.


Stairway to Heaven

Stairway to Heaven 2003


Song Ju and Jeong Seo who have lost a father and a mother respectively spend their childhood together like real siblings. Song Ju is there for Jeong Seo whenever she feels lonely and has a hard time, and Jeong Seo also relies a lot on Song Ju. However, after Jeong Seo's father gets married to Tae Mi Ra, Mi Ra and her daughter Yu Ri keep harassing Jeong Seo out of jealousy. Tae Hwa, Yu Ri's rough and wild older brother, has a crush on Jeong Seo who is pure and kind unlike him.


Koi Kaze

Koi Kaze 2004


Koshiro and Nanoka fall deeply in love, then discover they are the children of their divorced estranged parents... making them brother and sister. How will their relationship turn out?


Our Beloved Summer

Our Beloved Summer 2021


Years after filming a viral documentary in high school, two bickering ex-lovers get pulled back in front of the camera — and into each other's lives.



D.P. 2021


A young private's assignment to capture army deserters reveals the painful reality endured by each enlistee during his compulsory call of duty.


Midnight Mass

Midnight Mass 2021


A young man returns to his isolated hometown on Crockett Island, hoping to rebuild his life after serving four years in prison for killing someone in a drunk-driving incident. He arrives at the same time as a mysterious, charismatic young priest who begins to revitalise the town's flagging faith. However, the community's divisions are soon exacerbated by the priest's deeds while mysterious events befall the small town.


Magical Girl Raising Project

Magical Girl Raising Project 2016


A social game called The Magical Girl Raising Project allows one in tens of thousands of people to be a "magical girl" — possessing extraordinary physical capabilities and looks, as well as special magical powers that set them apart from the rest of the human race. But one day, in a district containing 16 magical girls, the administration announces that it must halve the number of magical girls to solve the problem of magical energy. At first, the 16 magical girls race to collect more "magical candy" than their competitors, but the rules quickly become twisted, and it quickly becomes a murderous battle for survival among them.


Significant Other

Significant Other 2018


Two neighbors in their late 40’s – a single woman and a newly separated man – find themselves living door- to- door in the same apartment building , and embark on enter a hesitant, obstacle-filled romantic relationship.



Spider-Woman 1979


When Jessica Drew was bitten by a poisonous spider as a child, her father saved her life by injecting her with an experimental "spider serum," which also granted her superhuman powers. As an adult, Jessica works as editor of Justice Magazine but when trouble arises, Jessica slips away to change into her secret identity of Spider-Woman.


Steptoe and Son

Steptoe and Son 1962


Steptoe and Son is a British sitcom written by Ray Galton and Alan Simpson about a father and son played by Wilfred Brambell and Harry H. Corbett who deal in selling used items. They live on Oil Drum Lane, a fictional street in Shepherd's Bush, London. Four series were broadcast by the BBC from 1962 to 1965, followed by a second run from 1970 to 1974. Its theme tune, "Old Ned", was composed by Ron Grainer. The series was voted 15th in a 2004 BBC poll to find Britain's Best Sitcom. It was remade in the US as Sanford and Son, in Sweden as Albert & Herbert and in the Netherlands as Stiefbeen en zoon. In 1972 a movie adaptation of the series, Steptoe and Son, was released in cinemas, with a second Steptoe and Son Ride Again in 1973.



Happiness 2001


Danny Spencer is a voice artist who is recently bereaved and having a mid-life crisis. As he continues to voice a kung fu bear he must also deal with his friends, including a high school friend, an old flame, two lazy unemployed no hopers, a 50 something who acts like a 20-year-old and two dance music loving students who work with Danny at the voice studio. But none of this compares to the constant stress of turning 40 and remembering your youth.


Dante: Inferno to Paradise

Dante: Inferno to Paradise 2024


The riveting life and times of Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) and his soaring masterpiece "The Divine Comedy" – one of the greatest achievements in the history of Western literature.


Re: The End of the Tiny World - Half a Year Later

Re: The End of the Tiny World - Half a Year Later 2021


Six months ago, life went dark for the underworld negotiator Kida when his lifelong friend and fellow former outcast Makoto became embroiled in a deadly plot. Makoto had risen to become the head of a powerful trading firm, but the events that unfolded on Christmas Eve put an end to all that. Since then, Kida has continued to drift through life without a single bright spark to light up his life. Nobody cares if he lives or dies except his underworld boss, who values Kida’s inimitable skills.


Ryktet (The Rumor)

Ryktet (The Rumor) 1970


Siri continues to rule – but how is she really doing? Lea doesn't trust anyone anymore and Irma is tired of being messed with. Will she dare to stand up to Siri? The rumors escalates and trust is put to the test when The Rumor is back, a series about gossip and lies that go out of control.