Märksõna Nurse
Lendas üle käopesa 1975
Väikese toime pandud kuriteo eest pandakse Randle Patrick McMurphy vanglasse. Seal ta loodab pääseda töötegemisest kui ta teeskleb, et on hull. Ta saadetakse vaimuhaiglasse. Ta sobib sinna aga üllatavalt hästi ning tema teistsugune maailmavaade mõjub paljudele patsientidele lausa tervendavalt. McMurphy-le ei meeldi haiglas valitsev üksluisus ning ta hakkab hulluelu ümber korraldama. Tema tegevus aga hakkab osadele haiglatöötajatele lausa närvidele käima ...
Surnute koidik 2004
Äratus George A. Romero õudusklassikast. Seletamatu katk on planeedi elanikud hävitanud, muutes surnud jubedateks zombideks, kes otsivad ellujäämiseks pidevalt inimese liha ja verd. Wisconsinis proovib katkust põgenenud mitmekesine seltskond oma elu päästa, astudes varjupaika kaubanduskeskusesse, kus nad peavad õppima mitte ainult end zombihordide eest kaitsma, vaid ka koos elama.
Pearl Harbor 2001
Vaal 2022
Tõsise rasvumise käes vaevlev eraklik inglise keele õpetaja üritab oma võõrandunud teismelise tütrega uuesti ühendust saada, et saada viimane võimalus lunastuseks.
Blue Valentine 2010
Atonement 2007
Tagaaken 1954
Fotograaf murrab autovõidusõidul pildistades jala. Nüüd veedab ajutiselt ratastooli aheldatud mees aega enda New Yorgi korteri tagaaknast naabreid vaadates. Ühel päeval jääb talle aga kummaline mulje, et naabrimees on enda naise tapnud. Kuna ta pole juhtunus täielikult kindel, saadab ta enda hooldeõe koos tüdruksõbraga asja uurima.
Misery 1990
Deep Throat Part II 1974
The Skeleton Key 2005
Countdown 2019
Silent Hill 2006
Patch Adams 1998
Vimm 2004
Tokyos asuva tagasihoidliku maja fassaadi näiline normaalsus peidab endas õudust. Maja valdab vägivaldne katk, mis hävitab kõigi sinna sisenevate inimeste elu.
Kohtumine äiaga 2000
Greg Focker (Ben Stiller) on pisut kohmakas õde, kes peab pärast Pamile (Teri Polo) kihlusest teatamist veetma paar päeva vanemate juures, et nendega kohtuda. Nende esimene kohtumine ei ole eriti õnnelik, eriti kahtluste tõttu, mida Greg kasvatab sõbranna range isa (Robert de Niro) järele, kes on kaitsva isa heaks töötanud CIA-s, ehkki nüüd on ta pensionil, ja see on väga raske muljet avaldada. Algusest peale lükkab Jim Gregi täielikult tagasi, kuid teda paremini tundma õppides muutub ta tagasilükkamine absoluutseks põlguseks ja sellest saab mehe halvim õudusunenägu, et vaatamata oma tüdruksõbra armastamisele ja soovile jätta hea esmamulje, vajub ta sügavamale ja sügavamale omaenda saamatuse mudasse ja ta peab kõvasti võitlema, et muuta kohutavat arvamust, mis tema sõbranna sugulastel tema kohta on.
Klan 1997
Family is the most important thing, and the children of Władysław and Maria Lubicz from Warsaw can always count on each other, no matter what surprises life offers.
Nurses 2014
Like good soldiers in a war-zone, hospital staff are expected to respect the chain of command when dealing with life and death situations. But what happens when smug doctors, arrogant surgeons, and out-of-touch administrators make that easier said than done? Nurses deals with the professional and personal lives of four female colleagues who cope in different ways with the challenges of life on the trauma ward. With determination, strength, and a dark sense of humor, they achieve the demanding and inspiring task of saving lives in a system that sometimes seems designed to do the opposite.
The Good Doctor 2017
Shaun Murphy, a young surgeon with autism and savant syndrome, relocates from a quiet country life to join a prestigious hospital's surgical unit. Unable to personally connect with those around him, Shaun uses his extraordinary medical gifts to save lives and challenge the skepticism of his colleagues.
Bettys Diagnose 2015
Rezidentai 2014
Chicago Med 2015
An emotional thrill ride through the day-to-day chaos of the city's most explosive hospital and the courageous team of doctors who hold it together. They will tackle unique new cases inspired by topical events, forging fiery relationships in the pulse-pounding pandemonium of the emergency room.
Dr. Romantic 2016
An eccentric, triple board-certified virtuoso surgeon leaves a top job in Seoul and ends up at a provincial hospital, where he mentors young doctors.
Empty Nest 1988
Widowed pediatrician Harry Weston is a miracle worker when it comes to dealing with his young patients, but he's more challenged by the other people surrounding him: daughters Barbara and Carol; his wisecracking office assistant, nurse LaVerne Todd; and obnoxious neighborhood mooch Charley Dietz. Thank goodness he always finds a friendly shoulder (and a warm, wet tongue) in Dreyfuss, his enormous dog.
Call the Midwife 2012
Drama following the lives of a group of midwives working in the poverty-stricken East End of London during the 1950s, based on the best-selling memoirs of Jennifer Worth.
Comical Psychosomatic Medicine 2015
Have issues with depression, erectile disfunction, dementia, or even with your love life? Don't worry, as the psychologist Ryou and his nurse Asuna will seriously try to help you understand these mental disorders all while laughing!
No Angels 2004
No Angels is a critically acclaimed British television comedy drama series, produced by the independent production company World Productions for Channel 4, which ran for three series from 2004 to 2006. It was devised by Toby Whithouse.
The Nurses 1962
The Nurses is a serialized primetime medical drama which aired on CBS from September 27, 1962 to May 11, 1965. It was originally called The Nurses when it premiered in 1962; for the second season, the title was expanded to The Doctors and the Nurses and it ran until 1965, when it was transformed into a half-hour daytime soap opera. The soap opera, also called The Nurses, ran on ABC from 1965 to 1967.
Shortland Street 1992
The lives and loves of the residents of Ferndale.
Nurses 1991
Nurses is an American sitcom television series that aired on NBC from September 14, 1991, to May 7, 1994, created and produced by Susan Harris as a spin-off of Empty Nest, which itself was a spin-off of The Golden Girls.
Bob Hearts Abishola 2019
A love story about a middle-aged compression sock businessman from Detroit who unexpectedly falls for his cardiac nurse, a Nigerian immigrant, while recovering from a heart attack and sets his sights on winning her over.
Mujeres de nadie 2007
Mujeres de nadie (Nobody's Women) is an Argentine telenovela produced by Pol-ka and broadcast by El Trece from May 10, 2007, to November 17, 2008
A Poem A Day 2018
Story follows a group of physical therapists, nurses, radiological technologists and trainees. Ye Jae-Wook works as a physical therapist and also teaches in the same field. He begins to work as a team leader at a hospital. Woo Bo-Young has been working as a physical therapist for 3 years. She wanted to become a poet, but due to her poor family background she studied to become a physical therapist. Shin Min-Ho is a trainee, but he isn't interested in physical therapy. His grades weren't good enough for medical school and his parents, who are both doctors, made him study physical therapy.
Nurse 1981
Nurse is an American medical drama that aired on CBS from April 2, 1981 to May 1982. Series star Michael Learned won an Emmy in 1982 for her role on the show.
Mulher 1998
The whole story develops from the doctor Martha, who has worked for 40 years, always at the same clinic in Rio de Janeiro. She knows Cris and realizes that she has found a successor. Then begins the friendship of the two, who try to practice their profession with the utmost ethics, despite the owner of the clinic, who is always trying to say, save.
Daily Dose of Sunshine 2023
A kind-hearted nurse working in psychiatry goes above and beyond to be a ray of light for those under her care, despite the challenges coming her way.