
Kadunud 2014


Päeval, mil nad oleks pidanud tähistama oma viiendat pulma-aastapäeva, annab Nick Dunne teada oma kauni abikaasa Amy ootamatust kadumisest. Juhtumi ümber kihama lööv meediatsirkus ja üha kahtlustavam suhtumine võimuesindajate poolt toob aga peatselt avalikkuse ette tõsiasja, et Dunne'ide abielu polnud kaugeltki nii idülliline, kui pealtnäha murest murtud Nick esialgu räägib.


Kuues meel

Kuues meel 1999


Dr Malcolm Crowe on tuntud lastepsühholoog, kes on kinnisideeks noore tasakaalustamata patsiendi valusast mälust, mida ta ei suutnud aidata. Cole Sear on hirmunud ja segaduses 8-aastane inimene, kes vajab ravi ning Crowe näeb võimalust lunastada ennast, tehes kõik endast oleneva, et teda aidata. Lastepsühholoog pole aga valmis teadma kohutavat tõde oma patsiendi üleloomuliku kingituse kohta: ta saab piinatud vaimudelt soovimatuid visiite.


Kurjuse kaitsja

Kurjuse kaitsja 1997


Haarav põnevusfilm noorest advokaadist Kevinist (Keanu Reeves), kes satub üliohtlikku olukorda. Saavutanud õigeksmõistva kohtuotsuse kliendile, keda süüdistati seksuaalkuriteos, saab Kevin üliahvatleva pakkumise New Yorgi advokaadibüroolt. Firma omanik John Milton (Al Pacino) usub, et Kevin võib jõuda kuitahes kaugele, kui pühendab tööle "kogu oma hinge". Kuid Kevin ei tea, et saatanlik Milton mõtleb seda otsesõnu...


Rumal pöörane armastus

Rumal pöörane armastus 2011


Keskikka jõudnud Cal Weaveril (Steve Carell) on elu kui unistus - hea töökoht, kena maja, vahvad lapsed ja naiseks keskkooliaegne armastatu. Ent kui Cal saab teada, et Emily (Julianne Moore) on teda petnud ning tahab lahutust, kukub see "ideaalne" maailm kiiresti kokku. Veelgi hullem on see, et tänapäeva vallaliste seas tundub aastakümneid ühe ja sama naisega veetnud Cal saamatuse kehastusena. Veetes oma õhtuid kohalikus baaris mossitades, kohtub ja sõbruneb Cal ülieduka naistemehe Jacob Palmeriga (Ryan Gosling). Jacob püüab Cali masendusest välja tuua ja sundida teda eluga edasi minema, avades ta silmad kõigele sellele, mida hetkel enesehaletsuses püherdav mees seni märganud polnud: flirtivad naised, mehised joogid ja stiilne riietus, mida kohalikust supermarketist ei saa.


Hr. ja pr. Smith

Hr. ja pr. Smith 2005


John (Brad Pitt) ja Jane (Angelina Jolie) Smith on abileus. Nende abielu mureks on igavus. Tegelikult omavad aga mõlemad suurt saladust: nad on kuulsad palgamõrvarid. Kui asi lõpuks ilmsiks tuleb, võtavad John ja Jane sihikule teineteise.


Gucci tragöödia

Gucci tragöödia 2021


Gucci nimi kõlas nii magusalt, nii võrgutavalt… Luksuse, stiili, võimu sünonüüm. Kuid see oli ka nende needuseks. See on üle kolme aastakümne libisev šokeeriv lugu armastusest, reetmisest, langemisest ja kättemaksust, mis viisid jõhkra mõrvani ühes maailma kuulsaimas moeimpeeriumis.


Valmis armastuseks

Valmis armastuseks 2000


Hong Kong aastal 1962: Chow Mo-Wan (Tony Leung) ja Su Li-Zhen (Maggie Cheung) kolivad ühel ja samal päeval oma abikaasadega suurde majja, üksteise naaberkorteritesse. Nad ühinevad majarahva seltsiva eluviisiga, süües tihti teiste elanikega koos õhtust, kuid nende kokkupuuted on pigem formaalsed ja viisakad. Nii Mo-Wani kui Li-Zheni abikaasad on töö- või pereasjus tihti kodust ära, mistõttu elavad peategelased üksildast elu. Aegamisi mõistavad nad aga, et nende kaasadel on omavahel tekkinud suhe. Tundes end reedetuna ja oma mures üksinda, leiavad Mo-Wan ja Li-Zhen teineteises lähedase, kellega koos proovida olukorda mõista ja valuga toime tulla.



Purunematu 2000


David Dunn (Bruce Willis) on ainuke inimene, kes pääseb eluga ligi 200 inimese elu nõudnud rongiõnnetusest ja tal ei ole ühtegi kriimu. Kas see oli lihtsalt juhus või on ta purunematu? See küsimus vaevad Davidit ja ka ta lähedasi, kuid vastus tuleb sealt, kus seda kõige vähem oodata on. Salapärane võõras Elijah Price (Samuel L. Jackson) pakub sündmuste kummalisele käigule uskumatu lahenduse, mis ähvardab Davidi elu igaveseks muuta.


Vaimust vaevatud

Vaimust vaevatud 1981


Kui noor Anna (Isabelle Adjani) teeb teatavaks plaanid oma perekond hüljata, hakkab segaduses abikaasa Mark (Sam Neill) koheselt kahtlustama, et naine on astunud suhtesse kellegi teisega. Nende abielu karidelejooksmisega aina enam intensiivsemaks muutuv õhkkond ning Anna kontrollimatu, hullumeelne käitumine aga viitavad millelegi tunduvalt õudsemale.


A Próxima Vítima

A Próxima Vítima 1995


A young law student starts to work as a detective, decided to uncover the identity behind a series of murders, as well as who is next.


You Me Her

You Me Her 2016


An unusual, real-world romance involving relatable people, with one catch - there are three of them! You Me Her infuses the sensibilities of a smart, grounded indie rom-com with a distinctive twist: one of the two parties just happens to be a suburban married couple.


In Later Years

In Later Years 2023


Living the life that others want, but also finding the ideal life for yourself. A panoramic view of the internal and external crises faced by the mature generation, and a “Ukiyo-e” style opening of the warmth and sadness of Chinese families.


My Wife

My Wife 2023


A story of a full-time mother's career advancement follows Shen Anan who loves life and loves food. After experiencing a marital crisis, she chooses to return to the workplace. Through continuous learning and growth, she improves her professional skills and realizes her self-worth.


By the age of 30

By the age of 30 2022


A humorous and bitter depiction of the real worries, impatience, and anger of a woman living in these times. Follow the love, career and sex lives of 29-year-old single women who try to survive in modern Tokyo.


Fatal Vows

Fatal Vows 2012


When marriages fall apart, divorce can turn ugly - even deadly. From blushing brides turned cold-blooded killers to smitten grooms with shocking dark sides, the criminal psychology behind deadly divorces is examined. Guiding viewers through actual stories of love gone wrong are psychotherapist Stacy Kaiser and forensic psychologist Dr. Brian Russell, who analyze each couple to better understand how the marriage turned from flawed to fatal. .


At Home with the Braithwaites

At Home with the Braithwaites 2000


At Home with the Braithwaites is a British comedy-drama television series, created and written by Sally Wainwright. The storyline follows a suburban family from Leeds, whose life is turned upside down when the mother of the family wins 38 million pounds on the lottery. It was broadcast on ITV, for 26 episodes, from 20 January 2000 to 9 April 2003. At the beginning of the first series, each member of the Braithwaite family has an issue. Alison has to decide what to do with the winnings, and when to tell her family. David is having an affair with Elaine, his secretary at work. Virginia is on the verge of flunking out of university. Sarah has a crush on her drama teacher. Charlotte suspects that her mother may be the mystery lottery winner.


Seven Year Switch

Seven Year Switch 2015


Four married couples try to save their marriages by entering into a social experiment. During this experiment, the four couples switch spouses and live with another participants spouse for two weeks as husband and wife.


The Look-See

The Look-See 2017


A tragic event draws a group of troubled people together, bonded by their shared pasts and dirty secrets. However, one by one they are visited by a demonic entity known as the Look-See, which forces them to confront their grief and trauma, or suffer a gruesome fate...


Mightiest Mother-in-Law

Mightiest Mother-in-Law 2017


Guan Shu Hui's (Paige Chua) domineering ways causes a rift between her husband Qi Hong Zhe (Thomas Ong) and his family. Hong Zhe is unhappy with his wife but chooses to put up with her, until Zhou Ke En (Chris Tong) enters his life. Ke En is pretty, intelligent and most of all, she listens to Hong Zhe's problem and supports his dreams. Ke En also manages to win the approval of Hong Zhe's family, leaving Shu Hui feeling helpless. Shu Hui's estranged mother Lu Xiu Zhu (Li Ping Chen) steps in and tries to salvage her daughter's marriage. Xiu Zhu tries to outwit Ke En who is actually a malicious and mentally unstable woman. How will the battle between the mightiest mistress and the mightiest Mother-in-Law end? Will Shu Hui be able to save her marriage?


In laws

In laws 2013


Once domineered by her own mother, a well-meaning matriarch has trouble being lax with her children, especially when her daughter-in-law moves in.


Life Therapy

Life Therapy 2021


AJ Johnson encourages her clients to live their best lives by examining the hard truths that have kept them stuck in unhealthy situations. In collaboration with trained mental health professionals, AJ Johnson uses her natural instinct of nurturing people's suffering to exude positivity in a genuine effort to improve people's lives. Clients are aided in doing the work that will improve their lives, whether looking for love, looking to overcome insecurities or looking to figure out their next big step.


Julun Yeti Reshimgaathi

Julun Yeti Reshimgaathi 2013


After getting married Meghana tells Aditya that she doesn't love him and is in relationship with someone else. Will Meghana released the true meaning of love?


Surviving Marriage

Surviving Marriage 2015


Married couples on the verge of divorce take part in an extreme form of therapy in hopes of saving their relationships. Akin to being locked in a room and told to work it out -- sort of -- one couple on each episode spend five days together on a secluded South Pacific island. Without modern conveniences and with limited access to food and water, the husband and wife have to rely on each other to survive the challenging conditions, including when they take part in physical and emotional exercises designed by marriage counselors. Guiding viewers are clinical psychologist Dr. Colleen Long and family therapist Tom Kersting, who explain how the participants are faring during the often-volatile journey. On the final day, the couple decide if they want to remain married or call it quits.