Jennifer Lamb The Big Lebowski Message in a Bottle The Ladykillers Running Scared Mitte sõnagi K-PAX Unfaithful Doctor Strange Indiana Jones ja kristallpealuu kuningriik Kicked in the Head In Dreams Lost Souls The Lovely Bones Doubt The Manchurian Candidate Selah and the Spades Põletada pärast lugemist Imeline Ämblikmees Tower Heist Premium Rush Boarding School Non-Stop Kondikoguja Bros Cop Out Earthly Possessions Tõeline visadus The Bounty Hunter The Dead Don't Die Money Monster The Harvest That's My Boy Reign Over Me Mees, keda polnud Up Close & Personal Analyze That Hackers Nell Silver Linings Playbook The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3 New York Minute Ransom The Juror The War Getting In Meschugge Shadow of Doubt When in Rome World Trade Center Cradle Will Rock Standing Up, Falling Down The Naked Man False Positive Ride with the Devil John Wick 3: Parabellum Company Man I.Q. Iseseisvuspäev Mixed Nuts The Big Lebowski Extreme Measures Now and Then Oo vend, kus oled sa? Pimeduse rüütel Run All Night Duplicity The Birds II: Land's End It Had to Be You Drive-Away Dolls Girl, Interrupted Tenenbaumid Harvest The Out-of-Towners Killers Wanted Llewyn Davise ballaad Surrogates The Road to Wellville Cruel Intentions Kokkupõrge The Interpreter Pärilik Blow the Man Down Super Mario Bros. Shirley Michael Clayton Righteous Kill Zack and Miri Make a Porno For Love or Money Honey Don't! Politsei verd Politsei verd Politsei verd Politsei verd