Indiana Jones arka galduaren bila

Indiana Jones arka galduaren bila 1981


1936. urtea. Indiana Jones arkeologia irakaslea da, eta abentura arriskutsuak bizitzeko prest dago altxor historikoak lortzeko. Estatu Batuetako gobernuak Itun Arka galdu bat bilatzeko eskatzen dio, kondairak dionez mugagabeko boterea ematen omen du berau lortzen duenak, eta hori dela eta naziekin egingo du topo bilaketa horretan.


Asterix eta Kleopatra

Asterix eta Kleopatra 1968


Kleopatra ederrak Julio Zesarri egizpziarrak erromatarrak baina eraikitzaile hobegoak direla frogarazi nahi dio, eta horretarako Numerobis arkitektoari hiru hilabeteko epean jauregi bat eraikitzeko ardura emango dio. Numerobisek ez du uste betekizuna horren epe motzean burutzeko gai denik, hortaz galiarren herrira joan eta Panoramix adiskideari laguntza eskatuko dio. Hortaz, bi adiskideak, Asterix, Obelix eta Idefixekin batera Alexandriara joango dira. Elkarrekin batera jauregia eraikitzen saiatzen diren bitartean hainbat oztopo eta arrisku gainditu, Esfingea eta piramideak bisitatu eta Nilo ibaian nabigatuko dute, bai eta espetxean egonaldi bat izan ere...



Momiak 2023


Lurraren erraietan momien hiri bat dago! Inperioaren aginduz, Nefer printzesak Thurtekin ezkondu behar du, gurdien auriga ohi batekin. Ez batak ez besteak ez dute ezkondu nahi; Neferrek askatasuna irrikatzen duelako, eta Thutek ezkontzeari alergia diolako. Baina jainkoen asmoak ezeztaezinak dira: Thutek Neferrekin ezkondu eta faraoiak eman dion errege eraztuna zaindu beharko du. Horri zerbait gertatuko balitzaio, Thutek begiak eta mihia galduko lituzke. Bitartean, gure munduan, Lord Carnabyk indusketa arkeologiko bat egin eta gauza berezi bat aurkitzen du: Egiptoko errege-ezkontzako eraztun bat! Thut gizakien mundura joan behar da hura berreskuratzera. Ondoan Sekhem, 12 urteko anaia, bere krokodilo maskotarekin, eta Nefer ditu. Elkarrekin abentura handi bat biziko dute Londres modernoan, eta beren asmoetan sartzen ez zen zerbait deskubrituko dute: maitemintzea zer den.


Moon Knight

Moon Knight 2022


When Steven Grant, a mild-mannered gift-shop employee, becomes plagued with blackouts and memories of another life, he discovers he has dissociative identity disorder and shares a body with mercenary Marc Spector. As Steven/Marc’s enemies converge upon them, they must navigate their complex identities while thrust into a deadly mystery among the powerful gods of Egypt.


Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters

Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters 2000


Bullies often target someone frail and weak—someone exactly like Yûgi Muto. He treasures his Millennium Puzzle, an ancient Egyptian artifact that was brought into his grandfather's game shop. Believing that solving the puzzle will grant him his wish, he completes the puzzle, unleashing a new personality within him, the soul of the "King of Games." The new personality named Yami Yûgi is the exact opposite of Yûgi. Upon any injustice toward him, Yami Yûgi takes over Yûgi's body and forces the opponent into a "Shadow Game".



Tut 2015


The story of the Egyptian Pharaoh, one of the most renowned leaders in human history. This ambitious special-event series tells the story of Tut’s rise to power and his struggle to lead Egypt to glory, while his closest advisers, friends and lovers scheme for their own nefarious interests. “Tut” opens up a fascinating window into a world filled with heart-breaking romance, epic battles, political backstabbing, conspiracy, jealousy, and even murder — proving his world was not far removed from our own — and that his reign as the youngest Egyptian king played out as a real-life drama for the ages.



Cleopatra 1999


Cleopatra, the famed Egyptian Queen born in 69 B.C., is shown to have been brought by Roman ruler Julius Caesar at age 18. Caesar becomes sexually obsessed by the 18 year old queen, beds her, and eventually has a son by her. However, his Roman followers and his wife are not pleased by the union. In fact, as Caesar has only a daughter by his wife, he had picked Octavian as his successor.


House of Anubis (NL)

House of Anubis (NL) 2006


A group of boarding school students embark on the search for a treasure when one of them discovers a long hidden secret in the attic.



Tutankhamun 2016


The remarkable story of the chance meeting that transformed penniless, ostracised archaeologist Howard Carter into a household name following his discovery of the tomb of the boy-king, Tutankhamun.



Theodosia 2022


In 1906 London, 14-year-old Theodosia “Theo” Throckmorton gathers an eclectic team that includes her younger brother Henry, along with friends Will and Egyptian Princess, Safiya, to fight a powerful secret society bent on destroying the world with ancient Egyptian dark magic.


Al Bernameg

Al Bernameg 2011


Al Bernameg is a popular Egyptian satirical program. The series is hosted by satirical comedian Bassem Youssef on the satellite channel CBC. The press has compared it to The Daily Show hosted by Jon Stewart, which was the inspiration for this show. Youssef visited The Daily Show as a guest in April 2013, while Stewart, on hiatus from his own hosting duties, returned the favor on El Bernameg in June 2013.


Horseless Knight

Horseless Knight 2002


Hafez Naguib was raised between his mother's sophisticated family, and his father's poor and modest family. When his father gets killed at the time of the English occupation, he swears to take revenge for him and every other persecuted Egyptian citizen, and leads the life of a true patriot.


Lost Treasures of Egypt

Lost Treasures of Egypt 2019


An immersive, action-packed and discovery-led series following International teams of Egyptologists as they unearth the world's richest seam of ancient archaeology - Egypt's Valley of the Kings.


Egypt's Unexplained Files

Egypt's Unexplained Files 2019


Experts dive deep into the secrets of Ancient Egypt, and use cutting-edge archaeological technology to reveal the hidden truths that could potentially answer questions that have befuddled Egyptologists for generations.



Egypt 2005


Television drama serial about various archaeological discoveries taking place in that country's history, with the occasional 'flashback' scene involving actors portraying the ancient Egyptians themselves.


Belphegor, or The Phantom of the Louvre

Belphegor, or The Phantom of the Louvre 1965


Four episodes chronicle a mysterious phantom who appears in the Musée du Louvre in Paris at night. Neither guards nor police are able to make an arrest. But a curious young man tries to break the ice and discover what drives the creature and its activities.


Friends and Heroes

Friends and Heroes 2007


Friends and Heroes is a Christian children's program that airs on TBN, Smile of a Child TV, and was also shown on BBC TV. The show is both traditionally animated and computer animated. It takes place from 69 - 71 AD. There are three series each of 13 Episodes: Series 1 is set in Alexandria, Egypt; Series 2 in Jerusalem and Series 3 in Rome. The series was created by Brian D. Brown and Eric J. Danenberg, who also worked on The Storykeepers.


Julius Caesar

Julius Caesar 2003


Twenty year-old Julius Caesar flees Rome for his life during the reign of Sulla but through skill and ambition rises four decades later to become Rome's supreme dictator.


Oh, Suddenly Egyptian God

Oh, Suddenly Egyptian God 2020


Welcome to the world of the Egyptian gods. This is where the famous gods of Ancient Egypt, from Anubis to Thoth, live their lives freely. How freely, you ask? Bastet appears out of nowhere, singing and dancing. Medjed is always stone-faced. Horus works a part-time job. Set is devoted to pulling pranks. Ra's off traveling and rarely comes home... All the Gods basically just do whatever they want! These cute mascot Egyptian deities make the most of their unrestrained divine lives. The extremely popular characters of "Oh, Suddenly Egyptian God" now have their own anime!


La Nouvelle Malle des Indes

La Nouvelle Malle des Indes 1982


A young English navy lieutenant sets out to prove that the quickest way to reach India from London is by way of the Mediterranean and Suez rather than the long sea route around Africa and the Cape of Good Hope, which takes six months. With his friend, French explorer and natural scientist Martial de Sassenage, Thomas Waghorn leaves London in October 1829 with the aim of reaching Bombay in India in three months. The owner of a shipping line fears for his company's future should the two adventurers succeed, so he sends his agents to delay them along their way.


Ancient Egypt - Life and Death in the Valley of the Kings

Ancient Egypt - Life and Death in the Valley of the Kings 2013


Presented by Egyptologist Dr Joann Fletcher who goes on a fascinating journey in search of people like us, not the great Pharaohs, but the ordinary people who built and populated this incredible place, creating a remarkable way of life. Dr Joann explores their homes, workplaces and temples. The programme originally aired on BBC2 and we meet Kha and Meryt, an architect and his wife who lived just outside the Valley of the Kings. They left behind a treasure trove of information; their extraordinary tomb, full of objects from their lives and deaths - from make-up to death-masks, loaves of bread to life-like figurines, even the tools Kha used at work in the royal tombs. Joann Fletcher uses this to travel into the remarkable world of these Ancient Egyptians,.


Joanna Lumley's Nile

Joanna Lumley's Nile 2010


Joanna Lumley goes on the trip of a lifetime - exploring the longest river in the world, the River Nile, from sea to source.