Hitz gakoa Giant Man
Printzesa ezkongaia 1987
Bost urtez aberasteko asmoz munduan zehar ibili ondoren, Westley (Cary Elwes) bere sorterrira itzuliko da, zertarako eta bere andregaiarekin, Buttercup (Robin Wright Penn) ederrarekin ezkontzeko. Neska berreskuratzeko, ordea, Vizzini eta bere menpeko maltzurrei aurre egin beharko die. Proba hura gainditurik, beste oztopo handiago batekin topatuko da aurrez aurre: Humperdinck printzea, zeinek Buttercup gajoarekin ezkontzeko asmoa baitu, nahiz eta hark ez duen maite...
La Belle et la Bête 2014
鉄コン筋クリート 2006
Beanstalk Bunny 1955
Чудотворни мач 1950
Sreća dolazi u 9 1961
Gridman the Hyper Agent 1993
Three computer-savvy kids, Naoto, Yuka and Ippei created their own videogame superhero, but then discover it possessed by an inter-dimensional police officer, Gridman. Pursuing an evil program called Kahn Digifer, he merges with Naoto and fights Kahn Digifer's digitized monsters in order to prevent the computerized demon from wreaking havoc on the Human World.
I'm a Virgo 2023
A coming-of-age joyride about Cootie, a 13ft tall young Black man in Oakland, CA. Having grown up hidden away, Cootie soon experiences the beauty and contradictions of the world for the first time. He forms friendships, finds love, navigates awkward situations, and encounters his idol, a real life superhero named The Hero.