Hitz gakoa Public Humiliation
Mean Girls 2004
Nola Grinch-ek Gabonak lapurtu zituen 2000
Grinch ogro berde moduko bat da, eta beti bizi izan da bakartuta mendi baten gailurrean, herri kanpoaldean. Bakarrik egotera ohituta dago, jendeak Gabonetan kantatzen dituen gabon-kantak jasan. Mendekatzeko asmoz, Santa Klausen opariak lapurtzea erabakiko du.
Mean Girls 2024
Jawbreaker 1999
The Toxic Avenger 1984
Grand Hotel 1932
Passion 2013
Angus 1995
Gycklarnas afton 1953
Xala 1975
Bad Reputation 2005
The Scarlet Letter 1927
Running the Bases 2022
Caroline 2018
Girlfriend Killer 2017
മലബാർ വെഡ്ഡിംഗ് 2008
La guarida 1974
Stalk 2020
Lux, an exceptionally-gifted geek, suffers a severe humiliation from the other students as soon as he enters his prestigious engineering school. To take revenge, he will use one of his best skills, “stalking”. He hacks their cell phones and computers; including Alma’s, the object of all his desires. Lux becomes the person he always wanted to be, before being caught in his own trap.