Hitz gakoa War Hero
Mulan 1998
Edge of Tomorrow 2014
Where Eagles Dare 1968
One Life 2023
Con Air 1997
Porco Rosso 1992
Gerra arteko denboran, Benito Mussolini Italian diktadore da. Marco Pagot piloto militar italiar aritua da, lagun bat gudan hiltzen ikusi ondoren, sorginkeri berezi baten biktima bihurtzen da, txerri itxura ematen diona. Honen ondorioz baita bere hidrohegazkina gorria dela eta, "Porco Rosso" ezizena hartzen du eta ordainsari ehiztari famatua bilakatzen da, Adriatiko itsasoan piraten lapurretak ezeztatzen dituena. Piratek, Porcotaz nazkaturik kontraerasotzea erabakitzen dute estatubatuar abenturazale bat kontratatzen.
Windtalkers 2002
Hamburger Hill 1987
The Horse Soldiers 1959
Sergeant York 1941
Captain America 1979
Kiss Them for Me 1957
Stolz der Nation 2009
Зеркало для героя 1987
Heroes for Sale 1933
D-Day Sacrifice 2014
Comprised entirely of re-mastered and colorised archive footage from World War II, much of it never before seen, Sacrifice recounts the story of D-Day through the testimonies of those who lived it. These important historical days are seen through the eyes of French civilians and members of the military fighting on both sides. The testimonies of famous individuals like Dwight D. Eisenhower and Erwin Rommel are intertwined with those of anonymous soldiers and citizens, such as film director Samuel Fuller and Eisenhower's chauffeur, Kay Summersby. From the preparations for D-Day all the way through to the liberation of Paris, the accounts of these men and women provide a moving and invaluable retelling of this pivotal time in history.
The Warrior's Way 2020
The most eminent fighters in human history, detailing the greatest achievements on the battlefields, command of their armies, brilliant strategies and unique fighting styles that enabled them to conquer their enemies in overwhelming force.